The Palgrave handbook of European me...
Donders, Karen, (1983-)


  • The Palgrave handbook of European media policy /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    杜威分類號: 302.23094
    書名/作者: The Palgrave handbook of European media policy // edited by Karen Donders, Caroline Pauwels and Jan Loisen.
    其他作者: Donders, Karen,
    面頁冊數: 1 online resource.
    標題: Mass media policy - Handbooks, manuals, etc. - Europe
    標題: Mass media policy.
    標題: Europe.
    ISBN: 1137032197 (electronic bk.)
    ISBN: 9781137032195 (electronic bk.)
    內容註: 1. Introduction: European Media Policy as a Complex Maze of Actors, Regulatory Instruments and Interests; Karen Donders, Jan Loisen and Caroline Pauwels -- PART I: KEY CONCEPTS AND THEORETICAL APPROACHES -- 2. Analyzing European Media Policy: Stakeholders and Advocacy Coalitions; Hilde Van den Bulck and Karen Donders -- 3. Convergence, Co-evolution and Complexity in European Communications Policy; Michael Latzer -- 4. Identity and Diversity in European Media Policy: Crisis Changes Everything(?); Katharine Sarikakis -- 5. Old and New Issues in Media Economics; Pieter Ballon -- 6. Between Economic Objectives and Public Remit: Positive and Negative Integration in European Media Policy; Eva Nowak -- PART II: THE DEVELOPMENT OF EUROPEAN MEDIA POLICY -- 7. Genesis and Rationales for European Intervention in Media; Caroline Pauwels -- 8. Focal Points of European Media Policy from Inception till Present: Plus ̇̉ change; Maria Michalis -- 9. The End of Public Service and the Reign of Free Market Thinking in Europe; Graham Murdock -- 10. Television, cohesion and the European Union; Richard Collins -- 11. The Cultural Facet of the EU Media Policy: Matching Rhetoric to Reality?; Evangelia Psychiogopoulou -- 12. Here Comes the Revolution : The European Digital Agenda; Robin Mansell -- 13. The ECJ as Agenda Setter in European Audiovisual Media Policy; Amedeo Arena -- 14. Small Member States and European Media Policy; Josef Trappel -- PART III: SECTOR-SPECIFIC POLICIES -- 15. Convergence and the Diversity of European Television Systems; Andř Lange -- 16. The Television without Frontiers Directive; Irini Katsirea -- 17. Audiovisual Media Services 3.0: (Re)Defining the Scope of European Broadcasting Law in a Converging and Connected Media Environment; Peggy Valcke and Jef Ausloos -- 18. The Best Defense is a Good Offense: Putting the European in European-level Film Support; Sophie De Vinck -- 19. Of High Hopes and High Deficit: An Overview of Europe's HDTV Policy and Reflections. Towards the Future of High Definition Television; Nils Walravens and Caroline Pauwels -- 20. Radio Spectrum Policy in the European Union: Concepts, Trends, Issues; Simon Delaere and Christina Cullell March -- 21. 'Are You Sure/That We Are Awake?': European Media Policy and Copyright; Fiona Macmillan -- PART IV: COMPETITION POLICIES -- 22. The Reasons for Intervention through Competition Policy; Herbert Ungerer -- 23. European State Aid Control and Public Service Broadcasting: Competition Policy Clashing or Matching with Public Interest Objectives?; Karen Donders and Hallvard Moe -- 24. Anti-trust: from Eurovision to UEFA and Back Again; Ben Van Rompuy -- 25. Pluralism, Media Mergers and European Merger Control; Petros Iosifidis -- PART V: INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF EUROPEAN MEDIA POLICY -- 26. Trade versus Culture: The Policy of Cultural Exception and the World Trade Organization; Mira Burri -- 27. European Media Policy and Cultural Diversity at the International Level: The European Union's Role in Fostering the Implementation of the 2005 UNESCO Convention; Ȟl̈ne Ruiz Fabri and Liliane Richieri Hanania -- 28. Mainstreaming Culture in EU External Relations through Protocols on Cultural Cooperation: Fostering or Faltering Cultural Diversity?; Jan Loisen -- 29. The European Audiovisual Policy goes Abroad: The Case of Inter-Regional Cooperation with Mercosur; Daniele Canedo and Carmina Crusafon.
    摘要、提要註: European institutions affect the day-to-day functioning of film, television, radio and the Internet. Their 'meddling' with media provokes many tensions, most importantly with member states including France, Germany, Belgium and Hungary. In addition, Europe's intervention is often deemed overly economic in approach, focusing on the success of an internal market - to the detriment of public interest objectives such as pluralism, diversity and universality. This handbook sheds light on these tensions through state-of-the-art, scientific contributions on various domains of European media policies. The overall aim of this handbook is to explore key concepts and theoretical approaches to European media policy: its historical development; specific policies for film, television, radio and the Internet; competition law and its effect on the media sector; and international aspects of the fragmented policy domain.