International perspectives on teachi...
Durrant, Cal,


  • International perspectives on teaching English in a globalised world /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    杜威分類號: 428.0071
    書名/作者: International perspectives on teaching English in a globalised world // edited by Andrew Goodwyn, Louann Reid and Cal Durrant.
    其他作者: Goodwyn, Andrew,
    面頁冊數: xxii, 290 pages ;; 25 cm.
    標題: English language - Study and teaching.
    標題: Language arts.
    ISBN: 9780415504461 (hbk.)
    ISBN: 0415504465 (hbk.)
    ISBN: 9780415504478 (pbk.)
    ISBN: 0415504473 (pbk.)
    ISBN: 9780203128299 (e-book)
    ISBN: 020312829X (e-book)
    書目註: Includes bibliographical references and index.
    內容註: Literacies and literatures: creative possibilities -- What does it mean to know in English -- Opportunities or constraints? Where is the space for culturally responsive poetry teaching within high stakes testing regimes at 16+ in Aotearoa, New Zealand and England? -- Teachers researching literacy lives -- Student, reader, critic, teacher: issues and identities in post-16 English literature -- Machines to think with? E-books, Kindles and English teachers, the much prophesied death of the book revisited -- The online identities and discourses of teenagers who blog about book -- Rewriting the canon: literature curricula text lists -- Teaching reading in a digital age: towards an understanding of pedagogic practice -- The past: a "foreign country" worth visiting? -- Developing student independence in English -- Language as putty; framing a relationship between grammar and writing -- English teachers, low SES students and intellectual challenge: cases from Australia -- Is it endgame for teacher preparation in U.S. universities? -- With rest, and time, and a little hope: moving into virtual worlds through multi-modal literacy forms -- You are what you read: text selection and cultural capital in the (globalising) English classroom -- Web of deceit: is the internet making your students dumb? -- Implementation of digital technologies: creating new conversations with students -- the (designed) influence of culture on eportfolio practice.
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80044338 四樓西文圖書區 1.圖書流通 圖書(book) 428.0071 G656 1.一般(Normal) 在架 0
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