The growing sense of self as artist ...
Kahn, Jane Hoellman.


  • The growing sense of self as artist in the journey of six high school art students.
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed : Monograph/item
    Title/Author: The growing sense of self as artist in the journey of six high school art students.
    Author: Kahn, Jane Hoellman.
    Description: 403 p.
    Notes: Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 73-09(E), Section: A.
    Contained By: Dissertation Abstracts International73-09A(E).
    Subject: Education, Art.
    Subject: Psychology, Developmental.
    Subject: Education, Secondary.
    ISBN: 9781267342416
    [NT 15000229]: Most children have enthusiastically created artwork throughout primary school as well as in middle and high school, when art is offered as part of the curriculum at school. Besides the artwork that adolescents make in response to tasks assigned in studio art classes, drawings, copy art or doodles are also created outside of school. Both means of expressions provide insight into visual expressions that serves a range of developmental needs throughout childhood. During adolescence, needs that seek understanding and expressions are epigenetic, uniquely experiential and influenced by new cognitive capacities, emerging concurrently during the adolescent period with the overall development of identity. While adolescence is represented extensively in the literature as being a critical period for the formation of identity (Kegan, 1982; Erikson, 1994/1968; Kroger, 2007), the existence of literature documenting the emergence of an artistic identity is virtually non-existent.
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