Developing a change management plan ...
California State University, Dominguez Hills.


  • Developing a change management plan for organizational transformation.
  • レコード種別: 言語・文字資料 (印刷物) : 単行資料
    タイトル / 著者: Developing a change management plan for organizational transformation.
    著者: Meade, Kimberly J.
    記述: 145 p.
    注記: Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 52-01.
    含まれています: Masters Abstracts International52-01(E).
    主題: Business Administration, Management.
    主題: Business Administration, General.
    主題: Education, Business.
    国際標準図書番号 (ISBN) : 9781303227486
    [NT 15000229] null: Strategic planning and the establishment of quality objectives are the underpinnings for transformational change management. In today's organizational setting demonstrating the ability to change effectively and efficiently is essential for organizational success. Transformational change requires executive sponsorship, the ability to establish and communicate a strategic vision for the change initiative, in addition to selection of credible team members from the organization, those with the ability to influence stakeholders and to engage and guide the organization through the change itself. The focal point of this research is the application and coupling of "The Eight-Stage Process to Create Major Change," established by John P. Kotter and the "Prosci RTM ADKARRTM (Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, Reinforcement) model which acknowledges the people side of change. Through examination and review of the research results, it becomes evident that both models, when combined, provide a comprehensive and repeatable framework from which to drive organizational change and transformation.
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