Advancing medicine with food and nut...
Kohlstadt, Ingrid.


  • Advancing medicine with food and nutrients[electronic resource] /
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed : Monograph/item
    [NT 15000414]: 615.8/54
    Title/Author: Advancing medicine with food and nutrients/ edited by Ingrid Kohlstadt.
    other author: Kohlstadt, Ingrid.
    Published: Boca Raton : : CRC Press,, 2012.
    Description: 1 online resource (893 p.)
    Subject: Diet Therapy.
    Subject: Diet therapy.
    ISBN: 9781439887745 (electronic bk.)
    ISBN: 1439887748 (electronic bk.)
    [NT 15000229]: Food and nutrients are the original medicine and the shoulders on which modern medicine stands. But in recent decades, food and medicine have taken divergent paths and the natural healing properties of food have been diminished in the wake of modern technical progress. With contributions from highly regarded experts who work on the frontlines of disease management, the bestselling first edition of Advancing Medicine with Food and Nutrients, Food and Nutrients in Disease Management effectively brought food back into the clinical arena, helping physicians put food and nutrients back on the presc.
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