Deepening community engagement in hi...
Hoy, Ariane,


  • Deepening community engagement in higher education :forging new pathways /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    杜威分類號: 378.103
    書名/作者: Deepening community engagement in higher education : : forging new pathways // edited by Ariane Hoy, Mathew Johnson.
    其他作者: Hoy, Ariane,
    面頁冊數: 1 online resource.
    標題: Community and college.
    ISBN: 9781137315984 (electronic bk.)
    ISBN: 1137315989 (electronic bk.)
    內容註: Preface: Reflecting on Bonner's Journey; Wayne Meisel -- Introduction : Deep, Pervasive, and Integrated: Developmental Frameworks for Students, Partnerships, Faculty Engagement, and Centers; Ariane Hoy and Mathew Johnson -- PART I: STUDENTS AS CIVIC-MINDED PROFESSIONALS -- 1. Learning through Service: Structures that Promote Student Leadership; Ashley Cochrane and Heather McNew Schill -- 2. Student Development in Theory and Practice; Nicole Saylor, Patrick Gruber, and Michelle Nix -- 3. Engaging Faith: Spiritual Exploration as a Critical Component; Wayne Meisel -- 4. An Untapped Reservoir for Student Community Engagement: What We Are Learning from the NASCE; Mathew Johnson, Don Levy, Pete Cichetti and Craig Zinkiewicz -- PART II: DEVELOPMENTAL, ENGAGED, AND EDUCATIONAL PARTERNSHIPS -- 5. Building Deeper Partnerships and Community-Centered Centers; David Roncolato -- 6. 'Walking a Different Way': Co-educators, Co-learners, and Democratic Engagement Renaming the World; Talmage Stanley -- 7.The Growing Edge for Campus-Community Partnerships: Partnership and Policy Networks; Robert Hackett and Patrick Donohue -- 8. 'One Partnership, One Place': Building and Scaling Sustained Student-Led, Community-Driven International Partnerships; Kelly Behrend and Steve Darr -- PART III: FACULTY -- 9. Developing Faculty for Community Engagement Across the Curriculum; Karin Aguilar-San Juan and Paul Schadewald -- 10. Permeable Boundaries: Connecting Coursework and Community Work in Disciplinary Curricula; Emily Kane, Georgia Nigro, Ellen Alcorn and Holly Lasagna -- 11. Wisdom from the Garden: Exploring Faculty Transformation; Beth Blissman -- 12. Community Engagement Across the Curriculum: Boyer, Integration and the Challenges of Institutionalization; Thomas G. McGowan, Suzanne Bonefas, and Anthony Siracusa -- PART IV: STAFF AND CENTERS -- 13. The Center of Community Engagement; Marshall Welch and John Saltmarsh -- 14. "If You Build It They Will Come": Building A Culture and Infrastructure for Institutional Change and Commitment; Rick Ellis and Kristine Hart -- 15. New Technologies for Engagement: Social Media as Effective Tools for Campus-Community Partnerships; Abby Kiesa and Ariane Hoy -- 16. Strategic Planning for Centers: Fostering Pervasive, Deep, Integrated, Developmental Community Engagement; Ariane Hoy and Mathew Johnson -- PART V: CRITICAL INSIGHTS AND REFLECTIONS -- 17. Transformation is Just Another Word: Thinking Through the Future of Community Engagement in the Disrupted University; Dan W. Butin -- 18. Integrating Political Activities into Pathways of Engagement; Abby Kiesa -- 19. Critical Service-Learning as a Philosophy for Deepening Community Engagement; Tania D. Mitchell -- PART VI: CONCLUSION -- 20. Future Possibilities: High-Impact Learning and Community Engagement; Ariane Hoy and Mathew Johnson.
    摘要、提要註: "Deepening Community Engagement in Higher Education" demonstrates how colleges and universities can enhance the engagement of their students, faculty, and institutional resources in their communities. This volume features strategies to make this work deep, pervasive, integrated, and developmental, qualities recognized by the Carnegie Classification guidelines and others in higher education as best practice. The chapters share perspectives, frameworks, knowledge, and practices of more than a dozen institutions of higher education that practice community engagement in sustained ways, drawing on their connections to more than two decades' experience in the Bonner Foundation network. Perspectives from these campuses and respected scholars and practitioners in the field present proven models for student leadership and development, sustained partnerships, faculty engagement, institutionalization of campus centers, and changes to teaching and learning.