A multi-gear strategy for economic r...
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  • A multi-gear strategy for economic recovery[electronic resource] /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    杜威分類號: 338.9
    書名/作者: A multi-gear strategy for economic recovery/ by Anthony Rayman.
    作者: Rayman, R. A.
    出版者: Basingstoke : : Palgrave Macmillan,, 2013.
    面頁冊數: 1 online resource.
    標題: Economic policy.
    ISBN: 9781137304520 (electronic bk.)
    ISBN: 1137304529 (electronic bk.)
    內容註: Preface: Modern Economics: Toxic Theory and Bankrupt Policy -- -- PART I: TWO BASIC LAWS OF ECONOMICS -- 1. The Law of Competition and the Law of Circulation -- -- PART II: THE LOST COMMANDMENT: FREEDOM OF CIRCULATION -- 2. 'Level Playing-Field' or Flat-Earth Theory? -- 3. The Greatest Economic Theorist of Them All -- 4. Globalization: Blessing or Curse? -- -- PART III: A 'MULTI-GEAR' MACROECONOMIC POLICY -- 5. Inflation: Disease or Symptom of Good Health? -- 6. Economic Waste-Disposal -- 7. The Deregulation of Money -- 8. Economic Gear-Changing -- -- PART IV: THE REFORM OF ECONOMIC POLICY -- 9. The IASB and the Failure of Corporate Governance -- Appendix: Sandilands in the looking glass -- 10. A Segregated System of Funds and Value Accounting -- 11. Competition and Control of the Banking System -- 12. Circulation and Single-Currency Unions -- Part A: The United Kingdom Currency Union -- Part B: The European Currency Union -- 13. A Crack in the Monetarist F�aade? -- 14. A Multi-Gear Strategy for Stable Economic Growth -- -- PART V: THE CURRENT ECONOMIC CRISIS -- 15. The Phoney Economic Crisis -- 16. The 'Austerity' Delusion -- 17. The Real Economic Crisis -- 18. The Bankruptcy of Single-Gear Economic Policy -- 19. Multi-Gear Tax Reform for Economic Recovery -- -- PART VI: THE MOST SUCCESSFUL COVER-UP IN FINANCIAL HISTORY? -- 20. Expert Opinion and Economy with the Truth -- 21. Modern Science or Mediaeval Religion? -- Appendix: Whatever Happened to the 'Rule of Law'.
    摘要、提要註: This book examines the policy implications of the fundamental theoretical errors exposed in the companion volume on Toxic Economic Theory: Correction of the microeconomic market-value fallacy (the root cause of the economic crisis) suggests radical accounting reform based on the segregation of fact from opinion. Disclosure of planned investment rates and their continuous monitoring are essential for curing "balance-sheet myopia" and for bringing the management of banks and large corporations under the control of market forces. Correction of the macroeconomic single-gear fallacy (the main obstacle to economic recovery) indicates that the economy is a multi-gear machine. To operate efficiently at its full employment potential, structural reform to improve the lubricant of free competition is necessary but not sufficient. Freedom of circulation to maintain the economy in top gear is equally vital. Counter-productive attempts to shrink economies out of debt stem from the single-gear obsession with competition to the exclusion of circulation. A multi-gear strategy for economic recovery requires the repudiation of two centuries of tax mythology. Radical reform of the current dysfunctional tax system and its integration with macroeconomic policy can create an automatic mechanism, not only for economic gear-changing, but also for the disposal of inflationary waste. By establishing regional fiscal autonomy, multi-gear strategy can solve the problem of imbalances between or within countries, and also within single-currency unions. Rapid economic growth without inflation -- essential for economic recovery b6 s is impossible until economic policy is liberated from the stranglehold of single-gear fundamentalism. As a science, economics may be dismal; as a religion, it is positively lethal.
    電子資源: http://www.palgraveconnect.com/doifinder/10.1057/9781137304520