Lessons from PISA for Japan.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.


  • Lessons from PISA for Japan.
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    杜威分類號: 370.952
    書名/作者: Lessons from PISA for Japan.
    出版者: Paris : : OECD,, c2012.
    面頁冊數: 207 p. : : ill., map ;; 28 cm.
    附註: OECD code: 98 2011 06 1 P.
    標題: Educational evaluation - Japan.
    標題: Educational change - Japan.
    標題: Education and state - Japan.
    標題: Education - Japan.
    標題: Educational tests and measurements - Japan.
    ISBN: 9789264118515 (pbk.) :
    ISBN: 9264118519 (pbk.)
    ISBN: 9789264118539 (PDF)
    ISBN: 9264118535 (PDF)
    書目註: Includes bibliographical references.
    內容註: Introduction -- A changing yardstick for educational success -- About this report -- Country comparisons -- Framework for analysis -- What is PISA and what can we learn from it? -- How can PISA be used to help improve education systems? -- Research methods employed for the country chapters -- Chapter 1. How is Technology Changing Demand for Human Skills? -- Chapter 2. Viewing Education in Japan through the Prism of PISA -- Consistently high mean performance among 15-year-olds -- Relative shares of top-performing students: Above the OECD average and, in reading, an increase over time -- Relative shares of poor-performing students: Below the OECD average and stable over time -- Equity in the distribution of learning opportunities -- Has a demanding education system adversely affected students' mental health? -- Other learning outcomes: Student engagement, strategies, and practices -- The learning environment -- How the Japanese education system is organized and education policies -- Chapter 3. Finland: A Non-Competitive Education for a Competitive Economy -- Introduction -- Finnish education: A brief history -- Five drivers of successful reform -- Education and national economic competitiveness -- Lessons from Finland -- The challenge ahead -- Chapter 4. Singapore: Thinking Ahead -- Introduction -- Singapore's education system: The path to becoming a learning nation -- Singapore's success in education -- Lessons from Singapore -- Preparing Singaporeans for the future -- Challenges and needs -- Chapter 5. Ontario: Harnessing the Skills of Tomorrow -- Introduction -- Understanding the Canadian system -- Canadian success factors -- Ontario: reforming for the future -- Harnessing the skills of tomorrow, in both students and teachers -- Lessons from Ontario -- Chapter 6. Shanghai and Hong Kong: Learning to Learn -- Introduction -- The cultural context -- The historical context -- Shanghai: a leader in reforms -- Hong Kong's education system: one country, two systems -- Lessons from Shanghai and Hong Kong -- Final observations: Education for economic success -- Chapter 7. Policy Lessons from and for Japan -- Introduction -- Japan's past reform trajectory -- Key strengths of education in Japan and policy challenges to maintain these strengths -- Concluding remarks -- Key features of PISA 2009.
    摘要、提要註: "For decades Japan has remained at or near the top of international assessments of student learning; and in the past decade, students in Japan have become more engaged in learning. However, the government aspires to improve learning outcomes even further. Strong Performers and Successful Reformers in Education: Lessons from PISA for Japan focuses on how Japan is reforming its education system not only to produce better learning outcomes, but to equip students with the skills they need to navigate through the unpredictable labour market of the future and to participate in society as active citizens. This is the second in a series of reports examining how education systems are handling the challenge of preparing their students for a world of interconnected populations, rapid technological change, and instantaneous availability of vast amounts of information. Like the first volume, Strong Performers and Successful Reformers in Education: Lessons from PISA for the United States, this report presents examples from other countries with consistently high-performing education systems or countries that, by redesigning policies and practices, have been able to improve their education outcomes, as measured by the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), the world's most comprehensive and rigorous survey of students' skills and attitudes towards learning" --Back cover.
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