Pathology of the hard dental tissues /
Schuurs, A. H. B.


  • Pathology of the hard dental tissues /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    杜威分類號: 617.6/3
    書名/作者: Pathology of the hard dental tissues // Albert Schuurs ; with contributions from Tommy Matos.
    作者: Schuurs, A. H. B.
    出版者: Chichester, West Sussex, UK : : Wiley-Blackwell,, 2013.
    面頁冊數: x, 446 p. : : ill. (some col.) ;; 29 cm.
    標題: Teeth - Diseases.
    ISBN: 9781405153652 (hbk.) :
    ISBN: 1405153652 (hbk.)
    書目註: Includes bibliographical references and index.
    內容註: Machine generated contents note: Chapter 1.1 Hypodontia.2 Hyperodontia.3 Fusion and Incomplete Schizodontia.4 Concrescence.Chapter 2.1 Compression and Abnormally Curved Roots. 2 Dens Invaginatus.3 Dilaceration.4 Enamel Pearls and Enamel Projections.5 Fused Roots.6 Macro- And Microsized Teeth.7 Supernumerary Enamel Crests.8 Supernumerary Cusps.9 Supernumerary Roots.10 Taurodontism.Chapter 3.1 Structural Anomalies of Enamel.2 Structural Anomalies of Dentine.3 Structural Anomalies of Enamel and Dentine.Chapter 4.1 Eruption.2 Abnormal Eruption Times.3 Abnormal Eruption Place.Chapter 5.1 Bacteria.2 Substrate.3 Initial lesion (Enamel). 4 Progression of the lesion.5 Root caries.6 Some risk factors.7 Identification of caries.8 Speed of the carious process.9 Epidemiology.10 Prevention.11 Curative treatment.Chapter 6.1 Aetiology.2 Epidemiology.3 Appearance and diagnosis.4 Prevention, treatment, alleviation of cervical pain..Chapter 7.1 Cement containing dental anomalies.2 Cement containing (medullar) bone disorders.Chapter 8.Classification of types of resorption of the hard dental tissues.Chapter 9.1 Signs of ageing.2 Tooth wear: nomenclature considerations.3 Physiologic tooth wear.4 Pathological tooth wear due to disharmonious dental arches.5 Bruxism and tooth clenching.6 Cervical lesions caused by tooth brushing.7 Other causes of tooth wear.Chapter 10.1 Spontaneous cracks and fractures.2 Traumatic fractures.3 Injury to the periodontal tissues.4 Epidemiology of traumatic injuries.5 Prevention and treatment of traumatic injuries.6 Splinting.Chapter 11.1 Polishing (professional prophylaxis).2 Abrasion.3 External bleaching.4 Internal bleaching: intracoronal bleaching of avital teeth with sodium perborate.: internal /external bleaching with carbamide peroxide.5 Restorative 'whitening' methods.
    摘要、提要註: "This pioneering book is uniquely dedicated to oral hard tissue pathology. It presents the growth of clinical knowledge and advancement in the field, along with laboratory considerations. The references are encylopedic in nature and the book provides many helpful tables to categorise the causes and characteristics of lesions. Prevention of hard tissue pathology is included along with treatment regimes" -- Provided by publisher.
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