The Syntax of Non-Verbal Causation: ...
City University of New York.


  • The Syntax of Non-Verbal Causation: The Causative Apomorphy of 'From' in Greek and Germanic Languages.
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed : Monograph/item
    Title/Author: The Syntax of Non-Verbal Causation: The Causative Apomorphy of 'From' in Greek and Germanic Languages.
    Author: Ioannidou, Alexandra.
    Description: 199 p.
    Notes: Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 74-02(E), Section: A, page: .
    Contained By: Dissertation Abstracts International74-02(E)A.
    Subject: Language, Linguistics.
    ISBN: 9781267689245
    [NT 15000229]: This is a study of the meaning and syntax of non-(lexical)verbal causation. Macroscopically, it examines the preposition 'from' as attested in contexts like "X is/comes from Y". Syntactic diagnostics are applied to formally distinguish the causative from the spatial interpretations of 'from'-PPs in Greek, English, Dutch, and German. The syntactic landscape of causative 'from' will turn out to be very minimal with 'from' directly selecting the Cause-DP, in contradistinction to its spatial counterpart, where 'from' always selects for another PP layer. More microscopically then I focus on the causative interpretations only, which are particularly revealing because (i) they give an in-depth view of CAUSE, stripped of all verbal layers---traditionally considered the locus of CAUSE---suggesting that the source of causation in non-(lexical)verbal environments has to be the preposition per se and (ii) they single-handedly provide a rudimentary structure for causation, where 'from' introduces the Cause in its complement and is predicated of the Causee. Finally, with a basic predicational structure in place, I offer a detailed cross-linguistic account for the syntactic mechanism that forces the use of particle verbs in causative 'from'-less environments.
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