Infant phonotactic learning.
Thatte, Victoria Anne.


  • Infant phonotactic learning.
  • レコード種別: 言語・文字資料 (印刷物) : 単行資料
    タイトル / 著者: Infant phonotactic learning.
    著者: Thatte, Victoria Anne.
    記述: 95 p.
    注記: Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 73-11(E), Section: A, page: .
    含まれています: Dissertation Abstracts International73-11(E)A.
    主題: Language, Linguistics.
    主題: Psychology, Developmental.
    国際標準図書番号 (ISBN) : 9781267519122
    [NT 15000229] null: For the past several decades, researchers have been investigating the stages infants go through on their way to acquiring their native language. Research into the question of the order in which, and time when, various facets of phonology are acquired has resulted in a basic timeline of development. Exploration of a second question, namely what learning mechanism infants rely on most heavily in acquiring the phonology and phonotactics of their native language, has led to the emergence of two competing approaches: infants could be using statistical induction to deduce phonotactics from the ambient language, or they could be tapping in to biases motivated by pre-phonological, domain-specific knowledge of phonetic principles.
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