Transnational transfers and global d...
Brown, Stuart Scott.


  • Transnational transfers and global development[electronic resource] /
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed : Monograph/item
    [NT 15000414]: 332/.0424
    Title/Author: Transnational transfers and global development/ edited by Stuart S. Brown.
    other author: Brown, Stuart Scott.
    Published: Houndmills, Basingstoke ; : Palgrave Macmillan,, 2012.
    Description: xvi, 237 p. : : ill. ;; 23 cm.
    Subject: International business enterprises - Finance.
    Subject: Emigrant remittances.
    Subject: Conflict management.
    Subject: Globalization - Political aspects.
    ISBN: 9780230357495 (electronic bk.)
    ISBN: 0230357490 (electronic bk.)
    ISBN: 9780230284401 (alk. paper)
    ISBN: 023028440X (alk. paper)
    [NT 15000227]: Includes bibliographical references and index.
    [NT 15000228]: Introduction: Toward a Theory of Transnational Transfers; S.S.Brown -- PART I: REMITTANCES -- Overview; S.S.Brown -- Collective Remittances as Non-State Transnational Transfers: Patterns of Transnationalism in Mexico and El Salvador; K.Burgess & B.Tinajero -- Remittances and Fragile States: What Do We Know?; J.McPeak -- Foreign Remittances in Ghana: Reducing the Poverty Gap for Individuals and the Community; D.Pellow -- PART II: IDEAS -- Overview; S.S.Brown -- Global Civil Society and the Third Sector in China; H.Wang -- Corporate Support of NGO Transnational Transfers in Nature Protection; S.R.Brechin & A.Jamborcic -- Learning Democracy: International Education and Political Socialization; B.Sijapati & M.G.Hermann -- PART III: SECURITY -- Overview; S.S.Brown -- Track Two Diplomacy and the Transfer of Peacebuilding Capacity; B.W.Dayton -- Transnational Transfers and Peace Operations: The Empirically Elusive Quality of the Analytic Categories; R.A.Rubinstein & S.Kudesia -- Private Security Companies and Private Transnational Transfers; Nevers -- Conclusion: This Volume and Future Study; S.S.Brown.
    [NT 15000229]: This pioneering volume invites scholars from different social science disciplines to contribute their competing perspectives to a far-ranging albeit understudied dimension of globalization. Globalization has been defined as progressively integrated, national product and factor markets, cemented by the revolution in transportation and communications technology. This process has been driven by transnational corporations who have erected intricate, global supply chains. Such commercial advances have, in turn, intensified the interdependence among states and the authors raise a number of questions: Can the multi-variegated, cross-border activities in which such non-state actors engage be analyzed through a single conceptual lens? Can non-state transnational transfers be so clearly distinguished from exchanges in practice? What are the implications of transnational transfers, where material and non-material value is transferred abroad with no assurance, or even expectation of reciprocal compensation, for sovereignty? The case studies range from the impact of worker remittances on failed states to capacity building by global civil society on behalf of nascent NGOs in China to the transfer of security (or insecurity) via peacekeepers, track two diplomats and private security contractors.
    Online resource: An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click for information
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