The sociology of entrepreneurship[el...
Lounsbury, Michael.


  • The sociology of entrepreneurship[electronic resource] /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    杜威分類號: 658
    書名/作者: The sociology of entrepreneurship/ edited by Martin Ruef, Michael Lounsbury.
    其他作者: Ruef, Martin.
    出版者: Bingley, U.K. : : Emerald,, 2007.
    面頁冊數: 1 online resource (viii, 368 p.).
    標題: Business & Economics - Management.
    標題: Business & Economics - Human Resources & Personnel Management.
    標題: Management & management techniques.
    標題: Entrepreneurship.
    標題: Organizational sociology.
    ISBN: 9781849504980 (electronic bk.)
    ISBN: 9780762314331 (hbk.)
    內容註: Introduction : the sociology of entrepreneurship / Martin Ruef, Michael Lounsbury -- Boundaryformation in emergent organizations / HongweiXu, Martin Ruef -- Revisiting the enclave hypothesis :Miami twenty-five years later / Alejandro Portes, Steven Shafer -- The force of regulation in the land of the free : The persistence of Chinatown, WashingtonDC as a symbolic ethnic enclave / Ching Lin Pang, Jan Rath -- From vulnerable to venerated : the institutionalization of academic entrepreneurship in the life sciences / Jeannette A. Colyvas, Walter W. Powell -- Start-ups in science : entrepreneurs, diverse backing, and novelty outside business / James A. Evans -- Turning identity into form: the causeand consequence for Kaiser Permanente of becoming an HMO / Carol A. Caronna -- A life course perspective on occupational inheritance : self-employed parents and their children / Howard E. Aldrich, Phillip H. Kim -- Closure and exposure : mechanisms in the intergenerational transmission of self-employment / Jesper B. Sørensen.
    摘要、提要註: This volume takes stock of entrepreneurship research within organizational sociology, critically examining the theoretical presuppositions of the field and situating extant research within the sociological canon. The contributors to this volume exemplify how the disciplinary lens of sociologyprovides a systematic foundation to understand the context, process, and effects of entrepreneurialactivity. Topics explored include entry into entrepreneurship, immigrant entrepreneurship and enclaves, academic entrepreneurship, and entrepreneurialism related to new organizational forms.The breadth and depth of the research offered by theesteemed scholars that have contributed to this volume highlight the progressive nature of sociological research on entrepreneurship. Taken as a whole, the volume points the way towards a more comprehensive framework for the development of the sociology of entrepreneurship. Researchin the Sociology of Organizations is an international series. It is especially concerned with specifying the unique contributions of sociological theories and research techniques to the analysis of organizations.Each volume aims to foster debate and dialogue about the valueof new theories and research to the field of organizational sociology as well as the growing international community of organizational scholars.