Regional aspects of multinationality...
Rugman, Alan M.


  • Regional aspects of multinationality and performance[electronic resource] /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    杜威分類號: 338.88
    書名/作者: Regional aspects of multinationality and performance/ edited by AlanM. Rugman.
    其他作者: Rugman, Alan M.
    出版者: Bingley, U.K. : : Emerald,, 2007.
    面頁冊數: 1 online resource (xi, 395 p.).
    附註: Includes indexes.
    標題: Business & Economics - Management.
    標題: Management & management techniques.
    標題: International business enterprises.
    標題: Strategic planning.
    ISBN: 9781849504768 (electronic bk.)
    ISBN: 9780762313952 (hbk.)
    內容註: Introduction / Alan M. Rugman -- The evolutionary or multi-stage theory of internationalization and its relationship to the regionalizationof firms / Farok J. Contractor -- Multinationality andregional performance, 2001-2005 / Alan M. Rugman, Chang Hoon Oh -- The empirics of multinationalityand performance / Harry P. Bowen -- Performance effects of internationalization strategies : a meta-analysis / Andreas Bausch, Thomas Fritz, Kathrin Boesecke -- Internationalization and performance :the moderating role of strategic fit / Fabienne Fortanier, Alan Muller, Rob van Tulder -- Internationalization of Indian firms : regionalization patterns and impact on performance / Vikas Kumar, Ajai S. Gaur -- The location and performance of foreign affiliates in global cities / Lilach Nachum, Clifford Wymbs -- Testing the global and regional strategies of multinational enterprises / Lei Li, Dan Li -- The regional dimension of UK multinationals / Alan M. Rugman, Alina Kudina, George S. Yip -- Intra-regional sales and performance / Nessara Sukpanich -- Testing regional effects in the internationalization-performance relationship in Asian service firms / Stephen Chen -- Intra-regional sales and the internationalization and performance relationship / Nicole Richter -- Thegeographic orientation of multinational enterprises and its implications for performance / Anthony Goerzen, Christian Geisler Asmussen -- Theregional nature of MNE activities and the gravity model / Walid Hejazi.
    摘要、提要註: This volume contains recent chapters dealing with empirical tests ofthe relationship between multinationality (M) and performance (P). This is a traditional topic in the area of international business, but recently there has been renewed interest, partly due to theoretical advances such as the regionalization thesis of Rugman and Verbeke (in contrast to the previous assumption of uniform internationalization) and partly due to better and more detailed data on the geographic dispersion of activities now available from the annual reports of large firms, most of which are multinational enterprises (MNEs). In this literature, P, asa dependent variable, is broadly determined by the degree of multinationality, M, where M is usually proxied by the ratio of foreign (F) to total (T) sales orassets, i.e. (F/T). There is either a linear, quadratic, or cubic (S curve) fit, allowing for controls such as size of the firm; industry grouping, organizational learning effect over time, etc. Recently, this M and P literature has included regional aspects of (F/T) and performance, for example performance has looked at return on foreign assets (ROFA). In short, new accounting standards affecting most ofthe worlds MNEs now make it possible to adopt both a new dependent variable (for performance) and a new independent variable (for multinationality). Performance can now capture the return on foreign assets (ROFA), and just the return on total assets (ROTA). Multinationality is now availableon a regional basis, i.e. the ratio of regional (R) to total (T) sales R/T. This offers better information on the strategic performance of an MNE, in comparison to the traditional metric of the return of foreign - to total sales or assets F/T. This volume will publish 10 chapters at the forefront of research on this reinvigorated topic of the regional aspects of multinationality and performance. It provides research at the forefront of the regional aspects of multinationality and performance. It deals with empirical tests of the relationship between multinationality and performance. It considers the effect that new accounting standards for the worlds MNEs have on multinationality and performance. This book series is available electronically at website.