(Wh-)indeterminates, free choice, an...
Park, Eun-Hae.


  • (Wh-)indeterminates, free choice, and expressive content in Korean.
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed : Monograph/item
    Title/Author: (Wh-)indeterminates, free choice, and expressive content in Korean.
    Author: Park, Eun-Hae.
    Description: 132 p.
    Notes: Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 70-12, Section: A, page: 4657.
    Contained By: Dissertation Abstracts International70-12A.
    Subject: Language, Linguistics.
    Subject: Language, Modern.
    ISBN: 9781109528701
    [NT 15000229]: This dissertation investigates the semantics and pragmatics of two types of free choice items (FCIs) in Korean which employ a wh-indeterminate (i.e., wh-morphology. e.g., nwukwu 'who/someone') and a non-deictic-indefinite (e.g., amwu) respectively in combination with a suffixal particle --na.
    Online resource: http://pqdd.sinica.edu.tw/twdaoapp/servlet/advanced?query=3387017
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