Investigation of alternative fuel ma...
Khachatryan, Hayk.


  • Investigation of alternative fuel markets.
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    書名/作者: Investigation of alternative fuel markets.
    作者: Khachatryan, Hayk.
    面頁冊數: 140 p.
    附註: Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 71-10, Section: A, page: 3728.
    Contained By: Dissertation Abstracts International71-10A.
    標題: Business Administration, Marketing.
    標題: Economics, General.
    標題: Urban and Regional Planning.
    ISBN: 9781124221762
    摘要、提要註: This dissertation investigates the economics of alternative fuels by combining the three areas of my interdisciplinary program---Economics, Marketing and Environmental Science. The first paper combines a spatial-econometric model of household demand for transportation fuels with Geographic Information Systems framework to analyze the spatial and temporal differences in the price-elasticity of demand for biofuels. In the second paper, I used a discrete choice modeling approach to investigating the link between consumers' socio-demographic characteristics and choice behavior. The third part investigates U.S. alternative fuel policies and market-based incentives for automobile manufacturers for investing in environmentally cleaner vehicles.