Bebop to the boolean boogie[electron...
Maxfield, Clive, (1957-)


  • Bebop to the boolean boogie[electronic resource] :an unconventional guide to electronics /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    杜威分類號: 621.3815
    書名/作者: Bebop to the boolean boogie : an unconventional guide to electronics // Clive Maxfield.
    作者: Maxfield, Clive,
    出版者: Oxford : : Butterworth-Heinemann,, 2009.
    面頁冊數: p. cm.
    附註: Previous ed.: 2003.
    標題: Digital electronics.
    ISBN: 9781856175074
    ISBN: 1856175073
    內容註: Section 1: Fundamentals -- Chapter 1Analog versus Digital -- Chapter 2 Atoms, Molecules, and Crystals -- Chapter 3Conductors, Insulators, and Other Stuff -- Chapter 4Semiconductors (Diodes and Transistors) -- Chapter 5Primitive Logic Functions -- Chapter 6Using Transistors to Build Logic Gates -- Chapter 7Alternative Numbering Systems -- Chapter 8Binary Arithmetic -- Chapter 9Boolean Algebra -- Chapter 10Karnaugh Maps -- Chapter 11Slightly More Complex Functions -- Chapter 12State Machines -- Chapter 13Analog-to-Digital and Vice Versa -- Section 2: Components and Processes -- Chapter 14Integrated Circuits (ICs -- Chapter 15Memory ICs -- Chapter 16Programmable ICs -- Chapter 17Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs)< -- Chapter 18Circuit Boards -- Chapter 19Hybrids -- Chapter 20System-in-Package (Sip) and Friends -- Chapter 21Alternative and Future Technologies -- Section 3: Design Tools and Stuff -- Chapter 22General Concepts -- Chapter 23Design and Verification Tools --Appendix A Assertion-Level Logic -- Appendix B Positive Logic versus Negative Logic -- Appendix C Reed-M�uller Logic --Appendix D Gray Codes -- Appendix E Linear Feedback Shift Registers (LFSRs) -- Appendix F Pass-Transistor Logic -- Appendix G More on Semiconductors -- Appendix H Rounding Algorithms 101 -- Appendix I Pass-Transistor Logic -- Appendix J An Interesting Conundrum -- Abbreviations and Acronyms -- Glossary -- Index.
    摘要、提要註: This entertaining and readable book provides a solid, comprehensive introduction to contemporary electronics. It's not a "how-to-do" electronics book, but rather an in-depth explanation of how today's integrated circuits work, how they are designed and manufactured, and how they are put together into powerful and sophisticated electronic systems. In addition to the technical details, it's packed with practical information of interest and use to engineers and support personnel in the electronics industry. It even tells how to pronounce the alphabet soup of acronyms that runs rampant in the industry.
    電子資源: An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click for information
    電子資源: An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click for information