The sociology of cosmopolitanism[ele...
Kendall, Gavin.


  • The sociology of cosmopolitanism[electronic resource] :globalization, identity, culture and government /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    杜威分類號: 303.482
    書名/作者: The sociology of cosmopolitanism : globalization, identity, culture and government // Gavin Kendall, Ian Woodward and Zlatko Skrbis.
    作者: Kendall, Gavin.
    其他作者: Woodward, Ian.
    出版者: Basingstoke : : Palgrave Macmillan,, 2009.
    面頁冊數: viii, 177 p. ;; 23 cm.
    標題: Cosmopolitanism.
    ISBN: 9780230234659
    ISBN: 0230234658
    書目註: Includes bibliographical references (p. 158-169) and index.
    內容註: Problems in the Field of Cosmopolitanism -- The Question of Belonging: the Nation State and Beyond -- Cosmopolitanism and the Political Realm -- Cosmopolitanism as a Political Lifestyle: Morality, Technology and Style -- Thinking, Feeling and Acting Cosmopolitan: The Ideal Types and their Expression in Everyday Cultural Fields -- The Cosmopolitan Symbolic Universe and Communities of Sentiment -- Conclusion: Cosmopolitanism as an Intellectual and Political Project.
    摘要、提要註: The dream of a cosmopolitical utopia has been around for thousands of years. Yet the promise of being locally situated and at the same timeglobally connected and mobile has never seemed more possible than it is today. The question remains as to�whether it is positive and realistic for usto have multiple loyalties. Can we sustain community and solidarity with our neighbours while we look beyond our nation? And if we can't - or won't - consider distant strangers as part of our own world, are there increasingly dire consequences? This book reconnects classical sociological theory andcontemporary ideas on mobility, otherness, material assemblages, consumption and surveillance to render the ideaof a global cosmopolitan utopia amenable to sociological investigation. The book takes a realistic approach to the development of cosmopolitical arrangements. It embraces the imaginative impulses the cosmopolitandream provides, but takes into account the political, ethical and cultural dimensions of such cosmopolitan developments. In revisiting the relevance of classical sociological approaches in the context of contemporary theoretical challenges, the distinctive approach this booktakes to understanding cosmopolitanism will be of use to scholars and studentsalike.
    電子資源: access to fulltext (Palgrave)