Naturalizing epistemology[electronic...
D'Agostino, Fred.


  • Naturalizing epistemology[electronic resource] :Thomas Kuhn and the 'essential tension' /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    杜威分類號: 501
    書名/作者: Naturalizing epistemology : Thomas Kuhn and the 'essential tension' // Fred D'Agostino.
    作者: D'Agostino, Fred.
    出版者: Basingstoke [England] ; : Palgrave Macmillan,, 2010.
    面頁冊數: viii, 216 p. ;; 23 cm.
    標題: Science - Philosophy.
    標題: Knowledge, Theory of.
    標題: Social psychology.
    標題: Organizational behavior.
    ISBN: 9780230251274
    ISBN: 0230251277
    書目註: Includes bibliographical references and index.
    內容註: Getting It Together -- Essential Tensions -- The Facilitative Possibilities -- The ConsistentPattern -- Motivating Diversity -- A Culture of Enquiry -- The Division of Labor in Communities of Enquiry -- Some Communities of Enquiry -- Naturalizing the Essential Tension.
    摘要、提要註: Thomas Kuhn identified an essential tension between conservative andinnovative approaches in the development of knowledge. Should we stickwith the tried-and tested paradigm which guides enquiryin a particular field? Or should we strike out in new directions to improve out understanding? Kuhnpointed out that these two attitudes are both appropriate. At times of crisis in the development ofknowledge, a bias in favourof innovation might be appropriate. During periods of 'normal science', a more conservative approach will predominate. The 'essential tension' is the balance between these attitudes, but Kuhn insists that both are and should always be represented in the community of enquiry. This Kuhnian picture is itself not as familiar as it should be; Kuhn studies were preoccupied for decades with other issues. What the current study adds to this picture is an account of the underpinnings in individual and social psychology of the balancing of these two attitudes. Under whatconditions will individuals be motivated to adopt an innovative attitude? Under what conditions will individuals working together on a paradigm be motivated to share their dispersed information relevant tothe project of enquiry defined by that paradigm?
    電子資源: access to fulltext (Palgrave)