The world's most threatening terrori...
Kindt, Michael T.


  • The world's most threatening terrorist networks and criminal gangs[electronic resource] /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    杜威分類號: 363.325
    書名/作者: The world's most threatening terrorist networks and criminal gangs/ edited by Michael T. Kindt, Jerrold M. Post, and Barry R. Schneider.
    其他作者: Kindt, Michael T.
    出版者: New York : : Palgrave Macmillan,, 2009.
    面頁冊數: xiii, 281 p. : : ill., maps ;; 25 cm.
    附註: "This volume is the second in the USAF Counterproliferation Center'sKnow thy enemy series"--Acknowledgments.
    標題: Terrorism.
    標題: Terrorists.
    ISBN: 9780230623293
    ISBN: 0230623298
    書目註: Includes bibliographical references and index.
    內容註: Broader non-state actor issues -- Suicide terrorism : are there important counterterrorist lessons to be learned? / James E. Winkates -- AlQaeda's modus operandi : anticipating their target selection / Barry R. Schneider -- Political Islam and radical Islam : the cases of Pakistan and Bangladesh / Stephen F. Burgess -- "Like glitter of the sun" : Iran and terrorism / Gregory F. Giles -- Terrorist use of WMD / James J.F. Forest -- Specific non-state actor groups -- Hezbollah : a state within a state / Michael T. Kindt -- Hamas : the Islamic resistance movement / Jerrold M. Post -- Al Qaeda 2.0 and the global Salafi jihad / Jerrold M. Post -- Jemaah Islamiyah remains active and deadly /James C. "Chris" Whitmire -- The Mexican drug cartels : at war for control of the U.S.-Mexico border / Dario E. Teicher -- Revolutionary armed forces of Colombia (FARC) / Jerrold M. Post -- Mara Salvatrucha : a threat to U.S.and Central American security / Tina S. Strickland.
    摘要、提要註: Terrorist organizations and international criminal networks pose an increasingly severe danger to US security. Who are these rivals who threaten us? What do they want to achieve? This book looks at diverse groups such as Al Qaeda, its jihadist fellow travelers as well as Hezbollahand its terrorist sponsor, Iran. Other chapters examine Hamas, Jemaah Islamiyah, the FARC, the Mexican drug cartels, and the criminal gang, Mara Salvatrucha 13. Pakistan, where jihadists pose an extreme security threat, is another focus as is a chapter on terrorist WMD threats. Thislook at sub-state rivals is recommended to all serious students of international security.
    電子資源: access to fulltext (Palgrave)