The future of literacy studies[elect...
Baynham, Mike, (1950-)


  • The future of literacy studies[electronic resource] /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    杜威分類號: 302.2/24407
    書名/作者: The future of literacy studies/ edited by Mike Baynham and Mastin Prinsloo.
    其他作者: Baynham, Mike,
    出版者: Basingstoke, UK ; : Palgrave Macmillan,, 2009.
    面頁冊數: xv, 234 p. : : ill. ;; 23 cm.
    標題: Literacy - Study and teaching.
    標題: Literacy - Research.
    ISBN: 9780230245693
    ISBN: 0230245692
    書目註: Includes bibliographical references and index.
    內容註: Introduction : the future of literacy studies / Mike Baynham and Mastin Prinsloo -- The future of 'social literacies' / Brian Street -- Understanding textual practices in a changing world / David Barton -- Writing over reading : new directions in mass literacy / Deborah Brandt -- Literacy practices, text/s and meaning making across time and space / Catherine Kell -- Bringing literacy studies into research on learning across the curriculum / Roz Ivaniéc -- Digital literacy studies : progress and prospects / Mark Warschauer -- Shuffling towards the future : theenduring dominance of book culture in literacy education / Ilana Snyder -- Transnational literacies : examining global flows through the lensof social practice / Doris S. Warriner -- Texting the future : work, literacies, and economies / Lesley Farrell -- Literacy, media, and morality : making the case for an aesthetic turn / Glynda A. Hull and Mark Evan Nelson.
    摘要、提要註: The Future of Literacy Studies brings together authors who are actively involved in shaping the field of literacy studies and pushing the boundaries of literacy research and also points to future directions forliteracy research. Literacy Studies has broadened out from an originalfocus on a narrow range of topics such as language teaching and learning, to examine the roles that literacy texts and practices play in social activity of various kinds. Drawing on linguistic ethnography, discourse analysis and sociocultural theory, this book presents a theoreticaland methodological repertoire for investigating the literacies produced in new contexts of multi-media diversity, multilingualism and social complexity, in educational, work and other social settings. Theoretically, the shift is from literacy situated in given places and times towards a conceptualization of dynamic transcontextual flows, from print to multimodal and digital literacies.
    電子資源: access to fulltext (Palgrave)