Critical approaches to comparative e...
Bartlett, Lesley.


  • Critical approaches to comparative education[electronic resource] :vertical case studies from Africa, Europe, the Middle East, and the Americas /
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed : Monograph/item
    [NT 15000414]: 370.9
    Title/Author: Critical approaches to comparative education : vertical case studies from Africa, Europe, the Middle East, and the Americas // edited by Frances Vavrus and Lesley Bartlett.
    other author: Vavrus, Frances Katherine.
    Published: New York : : Palgrave Macmillan,, 2009.
    Description: xvii, 263 p. ;; 22 cm.
    Subject: Comparative education
    Subject: Education and state
    ISBN: 9780230101760
    ISBN: 0230101763
    [NT 15000227]: Includes bibliographical references and index.
    [NT 15000228]: Introduction : knowing, comparatively / Lesley Bartlett and Frances Vavrus -- Appropriating educational policies and programs. Localizing no child left behind : supplemental educational services (SES) in New York City / Jill P. Koyama ; The Decalage and Bricolage of higher education policymaking in an inter/national system : the unintended consequences of participation in the 1992 Senegalese CNES reform / Rosemary Max ;AIDS and edutainment : inter/national health education in Tanzanian secondary schools / Tonya Muro Phillips -- Exploring participation in inter/national development discourse. Questioning participation : exploring discourse and practices of community participation in education reform in Tanzania / Aleesha Taylor ; Living participation : considering thepromise and politics of participator educational reforms in Brazil / Moira Wilkinson ; Transformative teaching in restrictive times : engaging teacher participation in small school reform during an era of standardization / Maria Hantzopoulos -- Examining the political economy of diversity. "Migration nation" : intercultural education and anti-racism assymbolic violence in Celtic Tiger Ireland / Audrey Bryan ; "Don't you want your child to be better than you?" : enacting ideologies and contesting intercultural policy in Peru / Laura Alicia Valdeviezo ; Citizenship and belonging in an age of insecurity : Pakistani immigrant youth in New York City / Ameena Ghaffar-Kucher -- Managing conflict through inter/national development education. The relief-development transition :sustainability and educational support in post-conflict settings / Mary Mendenhall ; Perpetuated suffering : social injustice in Liberianteachers' lives / Janet Shriberg ; Positioning Arabic in schools : language policy, national identity, and development in contemporary Lebanon / Zeena Zakhari.
    [NT 15000229]: This book unites a dynamic group of scholars who examine linkages among local, national, and international levels of educational policy andpractice. Utilizing multi-sited, ethnographic approaches, the essays explore vertical interactions across diverse levels of policy and practice while prompting horizontal comparisons across twelve sites in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, and the Americas. The vertical case studies focus on a range of topics, including participatory development, the politics of culture and language, neoliberal educational reforms, and education in post-conflict settings. Editors Vavrus and Bartlett contribute to comparative theory and practice by demonstrating the advantages of'thinking vertically.'.
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