Global Latinas[electronic resource] ...
Casanova, Lourdes.


  • Global Latinas[electronic resource] :Latin America's emerging multinationals /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    杜威分類號: 338.8/898
    杜威分類號: 338.8888
    書名/作者: Global Latinas : Latin America's emerging multinationals // Lourdes Casanova.
    作者: Casanova, Lourdes.
    出版者: Houndmills, Basingstoke ; : Palgrave Macmillan,, 2009.
    面頁冊數: xiv, 221 p. : : ill. ;; 24 cm.
    標題: International business enterprises - Latin America.
    標題: Latin America - Politics and government - 1980-
    ISBN: 9780230235021
    ISBN: 0230235026
    書目註: Includes bibliographical references and index.
    內容註: Leaders of global Latinas - long-term planners and flexible visionaries -- Brazil's 'nationalchampions' - beyond privatization -- Mexico'sglobal Latinas - betting on the US? -- Business model innovation in Latin America - making the unusual usual -- Latin America as a brand - hard sell and soft sell -- Asia's challenge to Latin America - cooperation and competition -- From global Latina tocorporate citizen - is inequality a business issue?
    摘要、提要註: We are in a new phase of globalization in which we are experiencing rapidly increasing investment flows South-South and South-North. According to the World Investment Report (2008) Outward Foreign Direct Investment from emerging economies reached $253 billion in 2007, the highest level ever recorded representing about 14% of world outward flows. The number of multinationals from emerging economies in the global Fortune 500 has increased from 19 in 1990 to 76 in 2008, with ten of them coming from Latin America Most of the research on multinationals has focusedon companies from developed markets. Research on multinationals from emerging economies is relatively new and most of the attention has been focused on multinationals from Asia. Little research has been done on the internationalization strategies and challenges of Latin American multinationals. This book aims to fill this void. Studying Latin American multinationals will not only provide insights into specific strategies deployed by successful firms but will also identify best practices thatcan be employed by the next generation multinationals from emerging markets.
    電子資源: access to fulltext (Palgrave)