Transformation of education policy[e...


  • Transformation of education policy[electronic resource] /
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed : Monograph/item
    [NT 15000414]: 379
    Title/Author: Transformation of education policy/ edited by Kerstin Martens ... [et al.].
    other author: Martens, Kerstin.
    Published: Basingstoke : : Palgrave Macmillan,, 2010.
    Description: xv, 284 p. : : ill.
    Subject: Education and state
    Subject: Educational change
    Subject: Educational change - International cooperation.
    Subject: Education and globalization.
    Subject: Bildungspolitik.
    Subject: Internationaler Vergleich.
    Subject: Onderwijsbeleid.
    Subject: Sociale verandering.
    Subject: Duitsland.
    Subject: Verenigd Koninkrijk van Groot-Brittannièe en Noord-Ierland.
    Subject: Nieuw-Zeeland.
    Subject: Verenigde Staten.
    ISBN: 9780230281295
    ISBN: 023028129X
    [NT 15000227]: Includes bibliographical references and index.
    [NT 15000228]: Introduction : Education Policy in Transformation / A.Nagel, K.Martens & M.Windzio -- Measuring Transformation of Education Policy : A Mixed-Method Approach / A.Nagel, T.Bieber, A.P.Jakobi, P.Knodel, D.Niemann & J.Teltemann -- The Educating State : Historical Developments and Current Trends /A.Weymann -- Turn of the Tide : New Horizons in German Education Policy- Making through IO Influence/ D.Niemann -- Playing the Multilevel Game in Education : The PISA Study and the Bologna Process triggering Swiss Harmonization / T.Bieber -- What's England got to do with it? British Underestimationof International Initiatives in EducationPolicy / P.Knodel & H.Walkenhorst -- Education Policy in New Zealand :Successfully Navigating the International Market for Education / M.Dobbins -- A Contrasting Case : the USA and its Weak Response to Internationalization Processes in Education Policy / M.Dobbins & K.Martens --Comparing Education Policy Networks / A.Nagel -- The Internationalization of Education Policy in a Cross-National Perspective / A.P.Jakobi, J.Teltemann & M.Windzio -- Conclusion:Education Policy, Globalization and the Changing Nation State: Accelerating and Retarding Conditions / M.Windzio, K.Martens & A.Nagel.
    [NT 15000229]: Education policy is in transformation. Internationalization processes in this field have triggered extensive public debates and compelled policy makers to restructure their national education systems. This bookdeals with the political consequences of the PISA Study for secondary education andthe Bologna Process for tertiary education. Both are prominent political issues with substantial impact on the political debate all over Europe and beyond. However, scholars of political science and political sociology have been reluctant to give them sufficient attention. Transformation of Education Policy contains five in-depth country case studies on Germany, Switzerland, England, New Zealand and - as a contrasting case the USA. These case studies are combined with comparative network analysis and quantitative analysis of the OECD world.
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