Public law within government[electro...
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  • Public law within government[electronic resource] :sustaining the art of the possible /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    杜威分類號: 342.41
    書名/作者: Public law within government : sustaining the art of the possible // T.P.B. Rattenbury.
    作者: Rattenbury, T. P. B.,
    出版者: Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire [England] ; : PalgraveMacmillan,, 2008.
    面頁冊數: xi, 250 p.
    標題: Public law - Great Britain.
    標題: Administrative law - Great Britain.
    標題: Local finance - Law and legislation - Great Britain.
    標題: Public law.
    標題: Administrative law.
    標題: Local finance - Law and legislation.
    ISBN: 9780230583627
    ISBN: 0230583628
    書目註: Includes bibliographical references (p. 235-242) and index.
    內容註: Introduction -- The Ultra Vires Rule: Its Substance and Significance-- Out with the Old: The 1980 Budget -- In with the New: The 1981 Budget -- A Heightened Awareness: The 1982 Budget -- Leftward, Ho: The 1983Budget -- Pressing Ahead: The 1984 Budget -- Rate-Capped and Resistant: The 1985 Budget -- Aftermath: The 1986 Budget -- Victim of Circumstance: The 1987 Budget -- 'Policy-Capped': The1988 Budget -- Out with theOld, Again: The 1989 Budget and Beyond -- Conclusion.
    摘要、提要註: Public Law within Government casts a spotlight on a vital but poorlyunderstood feature of thepolitical process: the functioning within government of the public law principles that condition government action.Probing deep into the inner workings of an English local authority in the high political drama of the Thatcher years, yet also firmly anchored in the broad international common ground of public law and governmentstructures, the book presents a fresh and compelling analysis of public law within government as an ever adapting process of b1 ssustaining the art of the possible b2 s. Based on both public and internal sources, and informed by the author's professional understanding asagovernment lawyer, this one-of-a-kind study is both readily accessible to new readers in the field and full of new insights for the specialist.
    電子資源: access to fulltext (Palgrave)