Can Latin America compete?[electroni...
Haar, Jerry, (1947-)


  • Can Latin America compete?[electronic resource] :confronting thechallenges of globalization /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    杜威分類號: 382/.1
    書名/作者: Can Latin America compete? : confronting thechallenges of globalization // edited by Jerry Haar and John Price.
    其他作者: Haar, Jerry,
    出版者: New York : : Palgrave Macmillan,, 2008.
    面頁冊數: xxiv, 309 p. : : ill.
    標題: Competition - Latin America.
    標題: Globalization - Economic aspects - Latin America.
    標題: Latin America - Politics and government - 1980-
    ISBN: 9780230610477
    ISBN: 0230610471
    書目註: Includes bibliographical references and index.
    內容註: Introduction : can Latin America compete? / John Price and Jerry Haar -- The macroeconomic environment of competitiveness / Claudio M. Loser -- Coveting human capital : is Latin American education competitive? / Jeffrey M. Puryear and Tamara Ortega Goodspeed -- Competitive capitalmarkets : Brazil's capital markets finally maturing / John H. Welch --Consumer and small business credit : building blocks of the middle class / Jan Smith, Tricia Juhn, and Christopher Humphrey -- Closing the technology gap / Peter T. Knight and Rosane A. Marques -- Fostering innovation : technological innovation in urban clusters / Scott Tiffin and Isabel Bortagaray -- Not all infrastructure is created equally : learning from the best practices and stunning failures of Latin American waterinfrastructure / Lee M. Tablewski -- Logistics : the software that drives an economy / John Price -- Legal reform : some emerging paradoxes of Latin America's legal and judicial reform movement / Linn Hammergren -- Property, the rule of law, and development in the Americas / Peter F. Schaefer and P. Clayton Schaefer-- Tax reform : tax policy, reform, and competitiveness in Latin America / Mauricio Carrizosa -- Labor reform : undercompetitive economies and unprotected workforce / ChristopherSabatini -- Regulatoryreform : increasing competitiveness through regulatory and investment climate improvements in LatinAmerica; the case of Mexico / Luis Guasch and Benjamin Herzberg -- Public safety : the cost of livingdangerously / John Price -- Conclusion : lessons learned and looking forward / Jerry Haar and John Price.
    摘要、提要註: With dynamic growth in China and India, recovery in Europe and Japan, and notable gains in U.S. productivity, the question arises: Can Latin America compete? Many argue that macroeconomic and trade reforms achieved in the 1990s merely put a handsome coat of paint over education, labor, judicial, and administrative reforms that remain incomplete. Thisbook identifies and analyzes ten factors that most influence the competitiveness of Latin American nations and will shape their economic futures. In their frank and direct assessment--pulling no punches--the authors also present viable courses of action that Latin America can take to increase its ability to compete in the global economy.
    電子資源: access to fulltext (Palgrave)