Economic policy options for a prospe...
Collier, Paul.


  • Economic policy options for a prosperous Nigeria[electronic resource] /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    杜威分類號: 338.9669
    書名/作者: Economic policy options for a prosperous Nigeria/ edited by Paul Collier, Chukwuma C. Soludo and Catherine Pattillo.
    作者: Collier, Paul.
    其他作者: Soludo, Charles Chukwuma.
    出版者: Basingstoke : : Palgrave Macmillan,, 2007.
    面頁冊數: xx, 439 p. : : ill.
    標題: Nigeria - Economic policy.
    ISBN: 9780230583191
    ISBN: 0230583199
    書目註: Includes bibliographical references and index.
    內容註: Preface -- Introduction: Towards Evidence-based Policy; P.Collier, C.Pattillo & C.C.Soludo --SECTION I: OIL AND THE MACROECONOMY -- Binding Constraints to Growth in Nigeria; V.Kwakwa, A.Adenikinju, P.Mousley &M.Owusu-Gyamfi -- Oil, Growth and Governance in Nigeria; P.Collier -- Addressing theNatural Resource Curse: An Illustration from Nigeria; X.Sala-i-Martin & A.Subramanian -- ModellingPolicy Options for Nigeria: Fiscal Responsibility, Monetary Credibility, and Regional Integration; X.Debrun, P.Masson & C.Pattillo -- Monetary Policy and Oil Price Surgesin Nigeria; C.Adam & B.Goderis -- Trade Policy: Prospects and Challenges; O.Alaba, A.Adenikinju & P.Collier -- Economic Growth and Policy Choice in Nigeria: Lessons from the Asia Pacific; O.Mailafia -- SECTION II: GOVERNMENT: FISCALMANAGEMENT WITHIN A FEDERAL SYSTEM -- Issues in Fiscal Policy Management under the Economic Reforms(2003-7); B.Okogu & P.Osafo-Kwaako -- Towards Securing Fiscal Policy Coordination in Nigeria; O.Ajakaiye -- Fiscal Federalism in Nigeria: Issues, Challenges and Agenda for Reform; A.H.Ekpo & A.Englama -- SECTION III: FIRMS AND FARMS: THE POLICY CLIMATE FOR PRIVATE ACTIVITY -- Towards a More Competitive Manufacturing Sector; A.Malik & F.Teal -- How Competitive and Efficient are Nigerian Ports?;O.G.Oji & C.Agu -- Nigeria's Power Sector: Opportunities and Challenges; P.V.S.N.Tallapragada & B.S.Adebusuyi -- SECTION IV: THE WELL-BEING OF HOUSEHOLDS: INCOME AND EDUCATION -- Poverty in Nigeria; S.Appleton, A.McKay & B.A.Alayande -- The Impact of Universal Primary Education on Socio-economic Outcomes: A Nigerian Experiment; U.O.Osili -- Female Schooling and Women's Labour Market Participationin Nigeria; A.B.Aromolaran.
    摘要、提要註: For three decades Nigeria missed its opportunities to use oil wealthfor economic transformation. Since 2003 there have been remarkable efforts to reform economic policies across a wide range. The challenge is enormous and the process of reform will need to continue for many years. The design of policy reform must rest on a firm basis of evidence andanalysis. This book demonstrates that there is already sufficient evidence on the Nigerian economy and society to inform many policy issues. Under the auspices of the Central Bank of Nigeria and the Centre for the Study of African Economies, Oxford University, Nigerian and international scholars have convened to deploy this evidence to reveal the current problems and policy options that a democratic Nigeria will need to debate and resolve. It presents an agenda of reform as unfinished business.
    電子資源: access to fulltext (Palgrave)