Conceptions of God, freedom, and eth...
Buhring, Kurt.


  • Conceptions of God, freedom, and ethics in African American and Jewish theology[electronic resource] /
  • レコード種別: 言語・文字資料 (印刷物) : 単行資料
    [NT 15000414] null: 231
    タイトル / 著者: Conceptions of God, freedom, and ethics in African American and Jewish theology/ Kurt Buhring.
    著者: Buhring, Kurt.
    出版された: New York : : Palgrave Macmillan,, 2008.
    記述: x, 262 p.
    シリーズ: Black religion, womanist thought, social justice
    主題: God (Judaism)
    主題: Suffering - Religious aspects
    主題: Holocaust (Jewish theology)
    主題: Schwarze Theologie.
    主題: Gottesvorstellung.
    主題: Theodizee.
    主題: Jèudische Theologie.
    主題: Black theology.
    主題: Suffering - Religious aspects
    主題: African Americans - Religion.
    主題: Black power.
    国際標準図書番号 (ISBN) : 9780230611849
    国際標準図書番号 (ISBN) : 0230611842
    [NT 15000227] null: Includes bibliographical references (p. [233]-254) and index.
    [NT 15000228] null: Introducing black and Jewish responses to experiences of moral evil and suffering -- What does the Christian gospel have to do with the black power movement? : James Cone's God of the oppressed-- Why divine goodness or power? why God? why liberation? : critiques and affirmations of James Cone-- A new Sinai? a new Exodus? : divine presence during and after the Holocaust in the theology of Emil Fackenheim -- After the Holocaust--the destruction of the God of history, of chosenness, and ofpatriarchy : critiques and affirmations of Emil Fackenheim -- A consideration of humanocentric theism,resistance, and redemption.
    [NT 15000229] null: This book is a consideration of major contemporary African American and Jewish theological understandings of God, human nature, moral evil,suffering, and ethics, utilizing the work of James Cone and Emil Fackenheim. Specifically, it examines how profound faith in a just God is sustained, and even strengthened, in the face of particularly horrific and long-standing evil and suffering in a community. The constructive portion of the book explores theological possibilities by focusing on the concepts of human freedom, resistance, and responsibility--all groundedin divine gift--as an effective and meaningful response to oppression and despair.
    電子資源: access to fulltext (Palgrave)
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