Coca-globalization[electronic resour...
Foster, Robert John, (1957-)


  • Coca-globalization[electronic resource] :following soft drinks from New York to New Guinea /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    杜威分類號: 306.4
    書名/作者: Coca-globalization : following soft drinks from New York to New Guinea // Robert J. Foster.
    作者: Foster, Robert John,
    出版者: New York : : Palgrave Macmillan,, 2008.
    面頁冊數: xxvii, 275 p. : : ill.
    標題: Commerce - Social aspects.
    標題: Cola drinks - Social aspects.
    標題: Consumers - Social aspects.
    標題: Culture and globalization.
    標題: Internationalisatie.
    標題: Frisdranken.
    標題: Coca-Cola Company.
    ISBN: 9780230610170
    ISBN: 023061017X
    書目註: Includes bibliographical references (p. [251]-268) and index.
    內容註: The social life of worldly things : commodity consumption and globalization -- Glocalizing Coca-Cola : the multilocal multinational corporation -- Qualifying products : trademarks, brands, and value creation --A network of perspectives : the meanings of soft drinks in Papua New Guinea -- Corporations, consumers, and new strategies of citizenship -- Shareholder activism : consumer citizenship inside the corporation -- Pouring rights : politics, products, agency, and change -- Conclusion : product networks and the politics of knowledge.
    摘要、提要註: This book explores globalization through a historical and anthropological study of how familiar soft drinks such as Coke and Pepsi became valued as more than mere commodities. Foster discusses the transnationaloperations of soft drink companies and, in particular, the marketing of soft drinksin Papua New Guinea, a country only recently opened up tothe flow of brand name consumer goods. Based on field observations andinterviews, as well as archival and library research, this book is of interest to anyone concerned about the cultural consequences and political prospects of globalization,including new forms of consumer citizenship and corporate social responsibility.
    電子資源: access to fulltext (Palgrave)