Structural fire loads :theory and pr...
Razdolsky, Leo.


  • Structural fire loads :theory and principles /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    杜威分類號: 624.1/71
    書名/作者: Structural fire loads : : theory and principles // Leo Razdolsky.
    作者: Razdolsky, Leo.
    出版者: New York : : McGraw-Hill,, c2012.
    面頁冊數: xv, 447 p. : : ill. ;; 24 cm.
    標題: Building, Fireproof.
    標題: Live loads.
    標題: Structural failures - Prevention.
    ISBN: 9780071789738 (hbk.) :
    書目註: Includes bibliographical references and index.
    內容註: Machine generated contents note: Ch. 1. Introduction -- Ch. 2. Overview of Current Practice -- Ch. 3. Structural Fire Load and Computer Models -- Ch. 4. Differential Equations and Assumptions -- Ch. 5. Simplifications of Differential Equations -- Ch. 6. fire Load and Severity of Fires -- Ch. 7. Structural Analysis and Design -- References -- Appendix A: National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Best Practices -- Appendix B: NIST Surveys for Fire Loads.
    摘要、提要註: "A complete guide to designing structures to better withstand the effects of fires of various growthsStructural Fire Loads: Theory and Principles combines the disciplines of structural engineering and fire protection engineering by offering a screening tool that can be used by engineers to perform preliminary assessments of fire as a load and its impact on structures. The book covers slow, medium, fast, and ultra-fast fire growth and fires in combination with seismic loads.Neither the 2009 IBC nor ASCE-7 considers fire a structural design load in buildings when prescriptive resistive design methods are used. However, the ICC Performance Code for Building and Facilities requires that the structural integrity of a building be evaluated and maintained to limit fire impact. This practical guide bridges the gap between structural engineering and fire protection engineering when fire is considered a design load.Structural Fire Loads features: Practical examples for fire protection and structural engineering design presented in a simple, step-by-step computational format Details on slow, medium, fast, and ultra-fast fire growth A Solutions Manual for equations presented in chapters 6 and 7 NIST Best Practices and Surveys for Fire Loads A single source that outlines how fire impacts structures Authoritative coverage: Overview of Current Practice; Structural Fire Load and Computer Models; Differential Equations and Assumptions; Simplifications of Differential Equations; Fire Load and Severity of Fires; Structural Analysis and Design"--
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