• 字首.字根.字尾 NEW TOEIC必考單字 = Essential words for the new TOEIC test : 最強多益單字記憶法, 輕鬆突破900分
  • Record Type: Electronic resources : monographic
    Title Information: 最強多益單字記憶法, 輕鬆突破900分
    Paralel Title: Essential words for the new TOEIC test
    Author: 張小怡,
    Alternative Intellectual Responsibility:
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 凌網科技股份有限公司
    Place of Publication: 新北市
    Published: 布可屋文化, 六六八出版; 易可數位行銷總代理;
    Year of Publication: 2021[民110]
    Description: 333面 : 圖 ;
    Series: 多益系列1
    Subject: 多益測驗 -
    Subject: 詞彙 -
    Online resource: HyRead ebook電子書
    Notes: 資料型式: 文字
    ISBN: 978-986-5544-16-4
    ISBN: 986-5544-16-4
    [NT 15000415]: 805.18951199
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