• 察顏觀色 = Your body's warning signals : 從頭到腳你所不知道的健康警訊
  • Record Type: Electronic resources : monographic
    Title Information: 從頭到腳你所不知道的健康警訊
    Paralel Title: Your body's warning signals
    Author: 黃冠誠,
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 華藝數位股份有限公司
    Place of Publication: 臺北市
    Published: 大都會文化;
    Year of Publication: 2011[民100]
    Edition: 初版
    Description: 317面 :
    Series: Health+30
    Subject: 望診 -
    Subject: 臉 -
    Online resource: 點擊此處查看iRead eBook華藝電子書
    Notes: 資料形式:文字
    ISBN: 9789866152153 電子資源 NT$250
    [NT 15000415]: 413.2414430
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