Advances in service-oriented and clo...
Celesti, Antonio.


  • Advances in service-oriented and cloud computing[electronic resource] :workshops of ESOCC 2015, Taormina, Italy, September 15-17, 2015 : revised selected papers /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    杜威分類號: 005.1
    書名/作者: Advances in service-oriented and cloud computing : workshops of ESOCC 2015, Taormina, Italy, September 15-17, 2015 : revised selected papers // edited by Antonio Celesti, Philipp Leitner.
    其他題名: ESOCC 2015
    其他作者: Celesti, Antonio.
    團體作者: Clark Conference
    出版者: Cham : : Springer International Publishing :, 2016.
    面頁冊數: xv, 454 p. : : ill., digital ;; 24 cm.
    Contained By: Springer eBooks
    標題: Cloud computing - Congresses.
    標題: Computer Science.
    標題: Software Engineering.
    標題: Computer Communication Networks.
    標題: IT in Business.
    標題: Information Systems Applications (incl. Internet)
    ISBN: 9783319333137
    ISBN: 9783319333120
    內容註: Limits and /or advantages of existing cloud solutions -- Future Internet technologies -- Efficient and adaptive deployment and management of service-based applications across multiple clouds -- Novel cloud service migration practices and solutions -- Digitization of enterprises in the cloud computing era -- Federated cloud networking services.
    摘要、提要註: This volume contains the technical papers presented in the seven high-quality workshops associated with the European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, ESOCC 2015, held in Taormina, Italy, in September 2015: Third International Workshop on Cloud for IoT (CLloT 2015), 5th International Workshop on Adaptive Services for the Future Internet (WAS4FI 2015), Second Workshop on Seamless Adaptive Multi-cloud Management of Service-Based Applications (SeaClouds 2015), First International Workshop on Cloud Adoption and Migration (CloudWay 2015), First International Workshop on Digital Enterprise Architecture and Engineering (IDEA 2015), First Workshop on Federated Cloud Networking (FedCloudNet 2015) Abstracts of the presentations held at the European Projects Forum (EU Projects 2015) are included in the back matter of this volume. The 25 full papers and 6 short papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 48 submissions. They focus on specific topics in service-oriented and cloud computing domains such as limits and /or advantages of existing cloud solutions, Future Internet technologies, efficient and adaptive deployment and management of service-based applications across multiple clouds, novel cloud service migration practices and solutions, digitization of enterprises in the cloud computing era, federated cloud networking services.