像滿足情人那樣滿足顧客 = To satisfy the custome...


  • 像滿足情人那樣滿足顧客 = To satisfy the customer as to satisfy the lover : 品牌背後的秘密
  • Record Type: Electronic resources : monographic
    Title Information: 品牌背後的秘密
    Paralel Title: To satisfy the customer as to satisfy the lover
    Author: 老范行軍
    Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: 范軍,
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 華藝數位股份有限公司
    Place of Publication: 新北市新店區
    Published: 冠橙出版; 易可數位總經銷;
    Year of Publication: 2011[民100]
    Edition: 一版
    Description: 286面 :
    Series: Win2
    Subject: 品牌 -
    Subject: 顧客滿意度 -
    Online resource: airitiBooks華藝電子書
    Notes: 資料形式:文字
    [NT 15000223]: 參考書目: 面286
    ISBN: 9789868737228 電子資源 NT$250
    [NT 15000415]: 496.144423
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