• 梵谷.卡蘿.高第 = People who made history : Vincent van Gogh, Frida Kahlo, Antoni Gaud [有聲書]
  • Record Type: Electronic resources : monographic
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 賴世雄,
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 凌網科技股份有限公司
    Place of Publication: 臺北市
    Published: 常春藤;
    Year of Publication: 2008[民97]
    Edition: [1版]
    Description: 122面 : 圖 ; 21公分;
    Series: 名人傳記系列EP07
    Subject: 英國語言 - 讀本 -
    Online resource: HyRead ebook電子書
    Notes: 中英對照
    ISBN: 978-986-7380-38-8
    ISBN: 986-7380-38-X
    [NT 15000415]: 805.18
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