Climate Change Management and Policy.
著作: | 81 作品に 80 出版物中に 80 言語 |
Coastal impacts, adaptation, and vulnerabilities[electronic resource] :a technical input to the 2013 National Climate Assessment /
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The global water system in the anthropocene[electronic resource] :challenges for science and governance /
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Groundwater as a key for adaptation to changing climate and society[electronic resource] /
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The driving forces of change in environmental indicators[electronic resource] :an analysis based on Divisia Index decomposition techniques /
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Smart-ECO buildings towards 2020/2030[electronic resource] :innovative technologies for resource efficient buildings /
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GHG emissions and economic growth[electronic resource] :a computable general equilibrium model based analysis for India /
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Urban development challenges, risks and resilience in Asian mega cities[electronic resource] /
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Intercity transport and climate change[electronic resource] :strategies for reducing the carbon footprint /
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Adapting African agriculture to climate chang[electronic resource] :transforming rural livelihoods /
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Climate change adaptation measures in Vietnam[electronic resource] :development and implementation /
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Electrical energy generation in Europe[electronic resource] :the current and future role of conventional energy sources in the regional generation of electricity /
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The shipping industry, ocean governance and environmental law in the paradigm shift[electronic resource] :in search of a pragmatic balance for the Arctic /
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The greenhouse gas balance of Italy[electronic resource] :an insight on managed and natural terrestrial ecosystems /
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Politics, markets and EU gas supply security[electronic resource] :case studies of the UK and Germany /
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Arctic marine governance[electronic resource] :opportunities for Transatlantic cooperation /
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Atoll island states and international law[electronic resource] :climate change displacement and sovereignty /
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Governments' responses to climate change[electronic resource] :selected examples from Asia-Pacific /
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Climate change vulnerability in southern African cities[electronic resource] :building knowledge for adaptation /
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Beyond the limits to growth[electronic resource] :new ideas for sustainability from Japan /
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International perspectives on climate change[electronic resource] :Latin America and beyond /
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Emission factors of carbonaceous particulate matter and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from residential solid fuel combustions[electronic resource] /
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An evaluation of Japanese environmental regulations[electronic resource] :quantitative approaches from environmental economics /
Nils Petter Gleditsch[electronic resource] :pioneer in the analysis of war and peace /
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Monitoring and modeling of global changes[electronic resource] :a geomatics perspective /
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Sustainable transportation options for the 21st century and beyond[electronic resource] :a comprehensive comparison of alternatives to the internal combustion engine /
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Water, food and welfare[electronic resource] :water footprint as a complementary approach to water management in Mexico /
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Climate change and health[electronic resource] :improving resilience and reducing risks /
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Demystifying climate models[electronic resource] :a users guide to earth system models /
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The economics and policy of solar photovoltaic generation[electronic resource] /
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Building climate resilience through virtual water and nexus thinking in the Southern African development community[electronic resource] /
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Governance for drought resilience[electronic resource] :land and water drought management in Europe /
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Sustainable energy and the environment[electronic resource] :a clean technology approach /
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Landscape dynamics, soil and hydrological processes in varied climates[electronic resource] /
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Towards global sustainability[electronic resource] :issues, new indicators and economic policy /
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Major crops and water scarcity in Egypt[electronic resource] :irrigation water management under changing climate /
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Atlas of climate change[electronic resource] :responsibility and obligation of human society /
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Dynamic approaches to global economic challenges[electronic resource] :festschrift in honor of Karl Farmer /
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Sustainable development in mountain regions[electronic resource] :Southeastern Europe /
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Climate change in cyprus[electronic resource] :review of the impacts and outline of an adaptation strategy /
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Agroforestry for the management of waterlogged saline soils and poor-quality waters[electronic resource] /
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Water governance decentralization in Sub-Saharan Africa[electronic resource] :between myth and reality /
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Governance of urban sustainability transitions[electronic resource] :European and Asian experiences /
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Basic studies in environmental knowledge, technology, evaluation, and strategy[electronic resource] :introduction to East Asia environmental studies /
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Concepts and instruments for a rational bioenergy policy[electronic resource] :a new institutional economics approach /
Climate change, energy use, and sustainability[electronic resource] :diagnosis and prescription after the Great East Japan earthquake /
Disaster risk reduction and the global system[electronic resource] :ruminations on a way forward /
Global climate change policy and carbon markets[electronic resource] :transition to a new era /
Our renewable future[electronic resource] :laying the path for 100% clean energy /
The US national climate assessment[electronic resource] :innovations in science and engagement /
Handbook on sustainability transition and sustainable peace[electronic resource] /
Increasing resilience to climate variability and change[electronic resource] :the roles of infrastructure and governance in the context of adaptation /
Global risk agility and decision making[electronic resource] :organizational resilience in the era of man-made risk /
Exploration and production of oceanic natural gas hydrate[electronic resource] :critical factors for commercialization /
Investing on low-carbon energy systems[electronic resource] :implications for regional economic cooperation /
America's environmental legacies[electronic resource] :shaping policy through institutions and culture /
Coastal change, ocean conservation and resilient communities[electronic resource] /
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