著作: | 78 作品に 78 出版物中に 78 言語 |
十二五規劃下中國大陸醫藥與醫療器材市場商機與切入策略 = The business opportunities and entry strategies of China's medicine and medical device market under 12th five-year plan
綠建築之跨領域商機與市場發展策略 = Business opportunities and marketing strategies in cross-industrial technologies of green buildings
雲端服務市場關鍵成功因素與臺灣廠商機會分析 = Key success factors of cloud service market and the opportunities for Taiwan vendors
從中國大陸高端裝備自主化探討臺灣精密機械產業因應策略 = The study of the coping strategies of Taiwan's precision machinery industry for independently high-end equipment of mainland China
智慧車輛發展趨勢下,車用半導體與潛力元件市場商機硏究 = The automatic semiconductors and components market opportunities for intellegent vehicle
3D IC關鍵製程設備技術發展趨勢之研究 = Research on the technological developing trends of 3D IC key equipment
打通東協醫藥市場任督二脈 = Analysis of the regulation and channel of the ASEAN pharmaceutical industry-Thailand : 醫療法規與通路布局之解析. 泰國
打通東協醫藥市場任督二脈 = Analysis of the regulation and channel of the ASEAN pharmaceutical industry-Indonesia : 醫療法規與通路布局之解析. 印尼
全球品牌跨境電商營運模式 = US online shopping market and opportunities for cross-border e-commerce : 美國網購市場與跨境電商新商機
印度首都經濟圈新興產業及商機探索 = Emerging business opportunities in India capital economic circle
印尼.菲律賓汽車零組件市場進入策略 = Entry strategies for Indonesia and Philippine auto parts market
兩岸行動雲端產業發展趨勢與商機特輯 = Development trends and future opportunities of the mobile cloud computing industry in China and Taiwan
迦納、布吉納法索新興產業與市場商機 = Western Africa on the rise : Ghana and Burkina Faso transforming