著作: | 44 作品に 46 出版物中に 46 言語 |
中國區域資源整合 = China's regional resources converge : 泛北部灣經濟區國際物流研究; economic zone of beibu bay international logistics research
新南向政策與國際科研合作 = The New Southbound Policy & international cooperation in science and technology : 科技外交的視角; a perspective of science diplomacy
經濟區劃與區域政策轉型比較研究 = Comparative research on economic regionalization and relevant policy transformation
"一帶一路"與區域經濟增長機制的構建.轉型和擴容 = "The belt and road" initiative and construction, transformation, expansion of regional economic growth mechanism
區域經濟整合對臺灣汽車產業之影響評估 = Impact of regional economic integration on Taiwan's automobile industry
後疫情時代亞太區域政經展望會議實錄 = Political and economic outlook of the Asia-Pacific region in post-pandemic era
(言語・文字資料 (印刷物))
絲綢之路經濟帶與歐亞經濟聯盟 = The silk road economic belt and the eurasian economic union : 如何實現戰略對接; the coordination of two strategies