EDUCATION / Administration / General
著作: | 23 作品に 0 出版物中に 0 言語 |
Mass education and the limits of state building, c. 1870-1930[electronic resource] /
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The capacity to share[electronic resource] :a study of Cuba's international cooperation in educational development /
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Gentrification and schools[electronic resource] :the process of integration when Whites reverse flight /
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Education as civic engagement[electronic resource] :toward a more democratic society /
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President Obama and education reform[electronic resource] :the personal and the political /
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Educational policy in an international context[electronic resource] :political culture and its effects /
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Neoliberal transformation of education in Turkey[electronic resource] :political and ideological analysis of educational reforms in the age of AKP /
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Urban encounters[electronic resource] :affirmative action and black identities in Brazil /
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Educational diversity[electronic resource] :the subject of difference and different subjects /
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College student voices on educational reform[electronic resource] :challenging and changing conversations /
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Headteachers, mediocre colleagues and the challenges of educational leadership :reflections on teacher quality /
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The politics of education and technology :conflicts, controversies, and connections /
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Reforming a school system, reviving a city :the promise of say yes to education in Syracuse /
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The politics of parent choice in public education :the choice movement in North Carolina and the United States /
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