Mathematical statistics - Data processing.
著作: | 22 作品に 16 出版物中に 16 言語 |
Computing statistics under interval and fuzzy uncertainty[electronic resource] :applications to computer science and engineering /
(言語・文字資料 (印刷物))
Two-way analysis of variance[electronic resource] :statistical tests and graphics using R /
(言語・文字資料 (印刷物))
Problem solving and data analysis using Minitab[electronic resource] :a clear and easy guide to six sigma methodology /
(言語・文字資料 (印刷物))
An introduction to statistical computing[electronic resource] :a simulation-based approach /
(言語・文字資料 (印刷物))
Advances in complex data modeling and computational methods in statistics[electronic resource] /
(言語・文字資料 (印刷物))
Statistical analysis and data display[electronic resource] :an intermediate course with examples in R /
(言語・文字資料 (印刷物))
An introduction to statistics with Python[electronic resource] :with applications in the life sciences /
An introduction to data analysis using aggregation functions in R[electronic resource] /
(言語・文字資料 (印刷物))
Comparative approaches to using R and Python for statistical data analysis[electronic resource] /
(言語・文字資料 (印刷物))