Geoecology/Natural Processes.
著作: | 55 作品に 55 出版物中に 55 言語 |
Anoxia[electronic resource] :evidence for eukaryote survival and paleontological strategies /
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Recent landform evolution[electronic resource] :the Carpatho-Balkan-Dinaric region /
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Introduction to earth and planetary system science[electronic resource] :new view of earth, planets and humans /
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Non-renewable resource issues[electronic resource] :geoscientific and societal challenges /
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Tracking environmental change using lake sediments[electronic resource] :data handling and numerical techniques /
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Alpine treelines[electronic resource] :functional ecology of the global high elevation tree limits /
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Understanding society and natural resources[electronic resource] :forging new strands of integration across the social sciences /
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Applied limnology[electronic resource] :comprehensive view from watershed to lake /
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Management of natural resources in a changing environment[electronic resource] /
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Wetlands and water framework directive[electronic resource] :protection, management and climate change /
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Neogene micropaleontology and stratigraphy of Argentina[electronic resource] :the Chaco-Paranense Basin and the Península de Valdes /
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Evapotranspiration over heterogeneous vegetated surfaces[electronic resource] :models and applications /
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Early warning for geological disasters[electronic resource] :scientific methods and current practice /
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Plant litter[electronic resource] :decomposition, humus formation, carbon sequestration /
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Planning and designing sustainable and resilient landscapes[electronic resource] /
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Physics of lakes.[electronic resource] /Volume 3,Methods of understanding lakes as components of the geophysical environment
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Late Cenozoic climate change in Asia[electronic resource] :Loess, Monsoon and monsoon-arid environment evolution /
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Biodiversity of semiarid landscape[electronic resource] :baseline study for understanding the impact of human development on ecosystems /
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Stochastic flood forecasting system[electronic resource] :the Middle River Vistula case study /
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Exploring the last continent[electronic resource] :an introduction to Antarctica /
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Monitoring volcanoes in the North Pacific[electronic resource] :observations from space /
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DGT-based measurement of phosphorus in sediment microzones and rhizospheres[electronic resource] /
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Natural disturbances and historic range of variation[electronic resource] :type, frequency, severity, and post-disturbance structure in central hardwood forests USA /
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Earth's early atmosphere and oceans, and the origin of life[electronic resource] /
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Geochemical modelling of igneous processes - principles and recipes in R language[electronic resource] :bringing the power of R to a geochemical community /
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Geopedology[electronic resource] :an integration of geomorphology and pedology for soil and landscape Studies /
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Biogenic - abiogenic interactions in natural and anthropogenic systems[electronic resource] /
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Coral reef science[electronic resource] :strategy for ecosystem symbiosis and coexistence with humans under multiple stresses /
Radon[electronic resource] :a tracer for geological, geophysical and geochemical studies /
Lake Pavin[electronic resource] :history, geology, biogeochemistry, and sedimentology of a deep meromictic maar lake /