著作: | 44 作品に 44 出版物中に 44 言語 |
Common corporate tax base in the EU[electronic resource] :impact on the size of tax bases and effective tax burdens /
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Performance measurement with the balanced scorecard[electronic resource] :a practical approach to implementation within SMEs /
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The cost stickiness phenomenon[electronic resource] :causes, characteristics, and implications for fundamental analysis and financial analysts' forecastss /
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IFRS for small and medium-sized enterprises[electronic resource] :structuring the transition process /
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Information quality and management accounting[electronic resource] :a simulation analysis of biases in costing systems /
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Public sector enterprises in India[electronic resource] :the impact of disinvestment and self obligation on financial performance /
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Social compliance accounting[electronic resource] :managing legitimacy in global supply chains /
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Corporate social responsibility and governance[electronic resource] :theory and practice /
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Corporate governance and contingency theory[electronic resource] :a structural equation modeling approach and accounting risk implications /
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Managing business integrity[electronic resource] :prevent, detect, and investigate white-collar crime and corruption /
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Financial accounting and management control[electronic resource] :the tensions and conflicts between uniformity and uniqueness /
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Physical asset management[electronic resource] :with an introduction to ISO55000 /
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The influence of information order effects and trait professional skepticism on auditors' belief revisions[electronic resource] :a theoretical and empirical analysis /
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Corporate governance, capital markets, and capital budgeting[electronic resource] :an integrated approach /
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Valuing intellectual capital[electronic resource] :multinationals and taxhavens /
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Accounting information and equity valuation[electronic resource] :theory, evidence, and applications /
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Performance measurement and incentive systems in purchasing[electronic resource] :more than just savings /
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Management and valuation of heritage assets[electronic resource] :a comparative analysis between Italy and USA /
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Earnings accruals and real activities management around initial public offerings[electronic resource] :evidence from specific industries /
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Audit quality[electronic resource] :association between published reporting errors and audit firm characteristics /
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Reliance on foreign markets[electronic resource] :multinationality and performance /
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Accounting for the public interest[electronic resource] :perspectives on accountability, professionalism and role in society /
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Accounting and regulation[electronic resource] :new insights on governance, markets and institutions /
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How financial slack affects corporate performance[electronic resource] :an examination in an uncertain and resource scarce environment /
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Confirming dividend changes and the non-monotonic investor revision of earnings persistence[electronic resource] /
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Compliance management in financial industries[electronic resource] :a model-based business process and reporting perspective /
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International perspectives on accounting and corporate behavior[electronic resource] /
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Organizational trust[electronic resource] :measurement, impact, and the role of management accountants /
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Financial accounting[electronic resource] :development paths and alignment to management accounting in the Italian context /
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Portfolio analytics[electronic resource] :an introduction to return and risk measurement /
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Entrepreneurship, business and economics.[electronic resource] :proceedings of the 15th Eurasia Business and Economics Society Conference /Volume 2
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Managing reputation in the banking industry[electronic resource] :theory and practice /
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Disclosure behavior of European firms around the adoption of IFRS[electronic resource] /
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Social accounting for sustainability[electronic resource] :monetizing the social value /
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China accounting standards[electronic resource] :introduction and effects of new Chinese accounting standards for business enterprises /
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Strengthening Information and control systems[electronic resource] :the synergy between information technology and accounting models /
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Corporate social responsibility in Sub-Saharan Africa[electronic resource] :sustainable development in its embryonic form /
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