Freshwater & Marine Ecology.
著作: | 81 作品に 80 出版物中に 80 言語 |
Tropical and sub-tropical reservoir limnology in China[electronic resource] :theory and practice /
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Stress ecology[electronic resource] :environmental stress as ecological driving force and key player in evolution /
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Water, cultural diversity, and global environmental change[electronic resource] :emerging trends, sustainable futures? /
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Recent freshwater ostracods of the world[electronic resource] :crustacea, ostracoda, podocopida /
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Operational and environmental consequences of large industrial cooling water systems[electronic resource] /
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Emerging and priority pollutants in rivers[electronic resource] :bringing science into river management plans /
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Lake Kivu[electronic resource] :limnology and biogeochemistry of a tropical great lake /
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Chasing water[electronic resource] :a guide for moving from scarcity to sustainability /
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Fisheries management of Mexican and Central American estuaries[electronic resource] /
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Ecology, systematics, and the natural history of predaceous diving beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae)[electronic resource] /
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Meiobenthos in the sub-equatorial Pacific Abyss[electronic resource] :a proxy in anthropogenic impact evaluation /
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The controversy over marine protected areas[electronic resource] :science meets policy /
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Loricate ciliate tintinnids in a tropical mangrove wetland[electronic resource] :diversity, distribution and impact of climate change /
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Extremophile fishes[electronic resource] :ecology, evolution, and physiology of teleosts in extreme environments /
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The coral reef era[electronic resource] :from discovery to decline : a history of scientific scientific investigation from 1600 to the anthropocene epoch /
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Toxic pollutants in China[electronic resource] :study of water quality criteria /
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Ecological processes at marine fronts[electronic resource] :oases in the ocean /
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Water and the future of humanity[electronic resource] :revisiting water security /
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Physiological, developmental and behavioral effects of marine pollution[electronic resource] /
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Regional fisheries oceanography of the California current system[electronic resource] :the CalCOFI program /
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The Mediterranean Sea[electronic resource] :its history and present challenges /
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Biodiversity in aquatic systems and environments[electronic resource] :Lake Biwa /
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Eutrophication[electronic resource] :causes, consequences and control.Volume 2 /
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Approaches to study living foraminifera[electronic resource] :collection, maintenance and experimentation /
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Marine renewable energy technology and environmental interactions[electronic resource] /
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Psychiatric pharmaceuticals as emerging contaminants in wastewater[electronic resource] /
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Eutrophication and oligotrophication in Japanese estuaries[electronic resource] :the present status and future tasks /
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Storm water management[electronic resource] :examples from Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland /
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Biology and culture of percid fishes[electronic resource] :principles and practices /
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Ascidians in coastal water[electronic resource] :a comprehensive inventory of Ascidian fauna from the Indian Coast /
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Structure and function of mountain ecosystems in Japan[electronic resource] :biodiversity and vulnerability to climate change /
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Estuaries[electronic resource] :a lifeline of ecosystem services in the Western Indian Ocean /
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Experiences from surface water quality monitoring[electronic resource] :the EU water framework directive implementation in the Catalan River Basin District (Part I) /
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Hydrodynamic and mass transport at freshwater aquatic interfaces[electronic resource] :34th International School of Hydraulics /
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Invertebrates in freshwater wetlands[electronic resource] :an international perspective on their ecology /
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Listening in the ocean[electronic resource] :new discoveries and insights on marine life from autonomous passive acoustic recorders /
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The Rasputin effect[electronic resource] :when commensals and symbionts become parasitic /
Aquatic microbial ecology and biogeochemistry[electronic resource] :a dual perspective /
Trace metal biogeochemistry and ecology of deep-sea hydrothermal vent systems[electronic resource] /
Lake ecology in Kashmir, India[electronic resource] :impact of environmental features on the biodiversity of urban lakes /
The cnidaria, past, present and future[electronic resource] :the world of Medusa and her sisters /
Marine organic micropollutants[electronic resource] :a case study of the sundarban mangrove wetland /
Lake Pavin[electronic resource] :history, geology, biogeochemistry, and sedimentology of a deep meromictic maar lake /