HIV infections - Prevention.
著作: | 9 作品に 5 出版物中に 5 言語 |
Communication perspectives on HIV/AIDS for the 21st century[electronic resource] /
(言語・文字資料 (印刷物))
Family and HIV/AIDS[electronic resource] :cultural and contextual issues in prevention and treatment /
(言語・文字資料 (印刷物))
Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and breastfeeding[electronic resource] :science, research advances, and policy /
(言語・文字資料 (印刷物))
Models of protection against HIV/SIV[electronic resource] :avoiding AIDS in humans and monkeys /
(言語・文字資料 (印刷物))
Innovations in HIV prevention research and practice through community engagement[electronic resource] /
(言語・文字資料 (印刷物))
Biomedical advances in HIV prevention[electronic resource] :social and behavioral perspectives /
(言語・文字資料 (印刷物))