Public health.
著作: | 58 作品に 28 出版物中に 28 言語 |
Genetics and public health in the 21st century[electronic resource] :using genetic information to improve health and prevent disease /
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Public health and primary care[electronic resource] :partners in population health /
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Care for major health problems and population health concerns[electronic resource] :impacts on patients, providers and policy /
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Introduction to occupational health in public health practice[electronic resource] /
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Religion and the health of the public[electronic resource] :shifting the paradigm /
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The new public health[electronic resource] :an introduction for the 21st century /
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Public health and aging[electronic resource] : maximizing function and well-being /
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Contemporary public health[electronic resource] :principles, practice, and policy /
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Self-reported population health[electronic resource] :an international perspective based on EQ-5D /
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Quantitative analysis of fecal contamination in stormwater conveyance systems and the effects of storm drain discharge on beach water quality in Wrightsville Beach, NC.
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Consumer inferences of Corporate Social responsibility (CSR) claims on packaged foods.
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A life course perspective on health trajectories and transitions[electronic resource] /
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Integrative health services[electronic resource] :ethics, law, and policy for the new public health workforce /
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Approach to internal medicine[electronic resource] :a resource book for clinical practice /
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Health inequities related to intimate partner violence against women[electronic resource] :the role of social policy in the United States, Germany, and Norway /
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Advances in microbiology, infectious diseases and public health.[electronic resource] /Volume 2
Advances in microbiology, infectious diseases and public health.[electronic resource] /Volume 4
Building a culture of health[electronic resource] :a new imperative for business /
The development of coping[electronic resource] :stress, neurophysiology, social relationships, and resilience during childhood and adolescence /
Statistical causal inferences and their applications in public health research[electronic resource] /
E-cigarette adoption and use intention among college students :determinants and warning label effects /
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Identifying Opportunities to Improve the Health of At-Risk Youth through the Education and Juvenile Justice Systems.
Understanding Air Pollution and Human Health Burden Associated in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal.
The journey of a digital story: A healing performance of Mino-Bimaadiziwin: The good life.
Public health and welfare[electronic resource] :concepts, methodologies, tools, and applications /
Health literacy in clinical practice and public health[electronic resource] :new initiatives and lessons learned at the intersection with other disciplines /