Keynesian economics.
著作: | 34 作品に 17 出版物中に 17 言語 |
Keynes for the twenty-first century[electronic resource] :the continuing relevance of thegeneral theory /
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The political economy of monetary circuits[electronic resource] :tradition and change in post-Keynesian economics /
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Ezio Tarantelli - Economic theory and industrial relations[electronic resource] /
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The making of a post-Keynesian economist : Cambridge harvest[electronic resource] /
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Keynes's General theory, the rate of interest and Keynesian economics[electronic resource] :Keynes betrayed /
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The Structure of Post-Keynesian Economics :[electronic resource].The Core Contributions of the Pioneers.
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Keynesian Reflections[electronic resource] :Effective Demand, Money, Finance, and Policies in the Crisis /
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Rethinking the Keynesian Revolution[electronic resource] :Keynes, Hayek, and the Wicksell Connection /
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Keynesian economics and price theory[electronic resource] :re-orientation of a theory of monetary economy /
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The structure of post-Keynesian economics :the core contributions of the pioneers /
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Keynes's general theory reconsidered in the context of the Japanese economy[electronic resource] /
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