Bayesian statistical decision theory.
著作: | 57 作品に 28 出版物中に 28 言語 |
Coherent stress testing :a Bayesian approach to the analysis of financial stress /
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Approximation methods for efficient learning of Bayesian networks[electronic resource] /
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Probabilistic methods for bioinformatics[electronic resource] :with an introduction to Bayesian networks /
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Decision theory models for applications in artificial intelligence[electronic resource] :concepts and solutions /
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Bayesian smoothing and regression for longitudinal, spatial and event history data[electronic resource] /
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Bayesian rationality[electronic resource] :the probabilistic approach to human reasoning /
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Missing data in longitudinal studies[electronic resource] :strategies for Bayesian modeling and sensitivity analysis /
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Bayesian missing data problems[electronic resource] :EM, data augmentation and noniterative computation /
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Bayesian disease mapping[electronic resource] :hierarchical modeling in spatial epidemiology /
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Quitting Certainties[electronic resource] :A Bayesian Framework Modeling Degrees of Belief /
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Tackling the inverse problem for non-autonomous systems[electronic resource] :application to the life sciences /
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Doing Bayesian data analysis[electronic resource] :a tutorial with R, JAGS, and stan /
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Case studies in bayesian statistical modelling and analysis[electronic resource] /
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Regularization and Bayesian methods for inverse problems in signal and image processing[electronic resource] /
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Bayesian methods for the physical sciences[electronic resource] :learning from examples in astronomy and physics /
Bayesian logical data analysis for the physical sciences :a comparative approach with Mathematica support /
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Bayesian prediction and adaptive sampling algorithms for mobile sensor networks[electronic resource] :online environmental field reconstruction in space and time /
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Introduction to hierarchical Bayesian modeling for ecological data[electronic resource] /
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Bayesian non- and semi-parametric methods and applications[electronic resource] /
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Bayesian data analysis in ecology using linear models withR, Bugs, and Stan[electronic resource] /
Bayesian risk management[electronic resource] :a guide to model risk and sequential learning in financial markets /
Prior processes and their applications[electronic resource] :nonparametric bayesian estimation /
The manual of strategic economic decision making[electronic resource] :using Bayesian belief networks to solve complex problems /
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Risk assessment and decision analysis with bayesian networks[electronic resource] /
Maximizing information system availability through Bayesian belief network approaches[electronic resource] :emerging research and opportunities /
Bayesian networks for managing learner models in adaptive hypermedia systems[electronic resource] :emerging research and opportunities /