著作: | 52 作品に 54 出版物中に 54 言語 |
Arduino 互動跳舞兔設計 = The interaction design of a dancing rabbit by Arduino technology
Arduino RFID 門禁管制機設計 = The design of an entry access control device based on RFID technology
Arduino EM-RFID 門禁管制機設計 = The design of an entry access control device based on EM-RFID card
Arduino 空氣豎琴設計與開發 = The development of a light-sensor-based harp with Arduino technology
Arduino 手搖字幕機開發 = The development of a magic-led-display based on persistence of vison
Arduino 逆滲透濾水器控制器開發 = The development of a controller for reverse-osmosis-based water purifiers using arduino
Arduino 光立體魔術方塊開發 = The Development of a 4 * 4 Led Cube based on Persistence of Vision
Arduino 旋轉字幕機開發 = The development of a propeller-led-display based on persistence of vision
Arduino 飲水機電子控制器開發 = The development of a controller for drinking fountain using arduino
Arduino 手機互動程式設計基礎篇 = Using arduino to develop the interactive games with mobile phone via the bluetooth
Arduino樂高自走車 = Using Arduino to Develop an Autonomous Car with LEGO-Blocks Assembled
Arduino投幣計時器(網路篇) = Using Arduino to develop an internet-based timing controlling device