著作: | 140 作品に 137 出版物中に 137 言語 |
清代宮廷畫師朗世寧(Giuseppe Castiglione,1688-1766)繪畫藝術之再省視 = Rethinking the artworks of Giuseppe Castiglione(1688-1766)
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虛擬與事實 = Conjecture and reality-the thesis of the painting works of Chou, Shiuan-Tian : 周軒田創作論述
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台灣慶典花燈造型意象調查研究 = A study of Taiwan festival lanterns modelling image investigation
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繪本應用在國中生語文領域之教學研究 = The application of picture books to high school students' language classroom in Taiwan
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以圖畫書導賞引導藝術創作課程對國小兒童圖形創造力之影響 = The effects on figural creativity of elementary school children by using picture books to guide the art program
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縱情形色 = Indulge the emotion in image and color : 繪畫中形象與色彩的表現; The expression of images and colors
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心象˙幻化 = The transformation of self-mental imagery : 陳嵐儀創作論述; Art works of Lan-Yi Chen
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月映萬川之體「艷」 = The "Fascinating" nudes of numerous rivers beneath the moon : 王許勇創作論述; The discourse on the paintings of Wang Hsu Yung
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特教班校園教室配置對特教生互動行為之影響 = The influence of special education classroom arrangement on student interactive behavior : 以彰化縣立國民中學為例; A case study of junior high school in changhua county
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意象之美-繪畫的詩與文學性 = The beauty of image-drawing poem and literariness : 林千雅創作論述; Art works of Lin Chien Ya
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女性與服飾之間的矛盾與疏離 = Exploring the alienation between female body and fashion : 孫玉佳創作論述; Artist statement by Sum, Yu-Chia
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綠色計畫環保藝術行動 = Green project the environmental art creation : 林志航藝術創作論述; Artist statement by Lin, Zhi-Hang
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青少年對於名畫原作及變裝後作品之意象探討研究 = Exploring Images of Diverted Figures from Famous Paintings : 以中學生為例; Perceived by Junior High School Students
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國小學童對女性人物畫偏好之研究 = A study on elementary school student's preference for female portrait paintings
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童畫繪本之情境教學成效研究 = A study of the effect of practicing situational teaching with pictuer books
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軌跡‧覺照‧斑斕夢 = The Gorgeous Dream of Locus and Reflections : Art Works by Chang Tzong-Chin : 張宗欽創作論述
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植物無界 = Infinite Expressions in Flora : 曾惠貞裝飾繪畫創作論述; Works of Decorative Painting by Tseng Hui-Chen
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兒童繪本中「變形」的學習對國小孩童學習繪畫影響之研究 = The Effect of "Distortion Figure"Contents in Picture Books for Elementary Students Learn Drawing
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常玉與馬諦斯繪畫線條性格之比較研究 = A Comparative Study of San Yu's and Henri Matisse's Drawing Features
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山林意象 = The Mountain Image : 陳展雲繪畫創作研究; A Study for Chen Chan-Yun's Painting Creation
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靜觀自然 = The Beauty of Nature in My Eyes : 王靜主創作論述; The Art Works of Wang Jing-Zhu
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醇古意閑 = The Leisurely Condition of Mellow Ancient : 生活映象李爽嵐創作論述; Life Reflections Li Shuang-Lan Creations Treatise
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「潛藏空間裡的記憶」陳慧珍創作論述 = "The Memory of Spatial in Hides"The Art Works of Chen Hui-Chen
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貓咪的異想世界 = The fantasy world of cats : 黃美女的水彩創作研究; Huang Mei-Nu's watercolor art works
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臺中市國民小學視覺藝術教師專業成長與教學自我效能之研究 = The Study on Visual Arts Teacher's Professional Growth and Teacher Efficacy in Elementary Schools of Taichung
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人體的表現性雕塑 = Expressional Sculpture of Human Body - Art Works of Hsiung-Kuo Wang : 王雄國創作自述
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容顏的背後 = The Hidden Secrets Behind a Face : 黃卿卿創作論述; The Art Works of Huang-Ching Ching
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五個房間 = Five Rooms : 楊品蓁經絡芳療創作論述; Pin-Chen Yang's Description of Meridians Aromatherapy Creations
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探討泰雅族文面藝術 = Based on Atayal Petasan Art Study : 李益槿藝術創作論述; Discourse of Yi-jin Li's Art Work
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療‧禦 = Regenerate - Through The Passage of Recovery : 簡郡頡創作論述; Creation Descriptions by Jian Jun-Jie
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藝術創作中的潛意識 = Sub Consciousness in Art Creation : 游亞倫創作自述; The Autobiography of Yau Ya -Lun
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"源&生"之脈絡 = Contexture of the "Source & Birth" : 田琛漫篆刻創作論述; Seal Carving Creations by Tian Chen-Man
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從景觀美學探討風水理論之研究 = A Study on Feng-Shui(Geomantic Omen) Theory from the Aesthetics of Landscape : 以禪機山仙佛寺為例; Hsien Fo Temple of Chan Chi Shan as An Example
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「思考與堆積」 = 「Reflection And Accumulation」 : 郭宇軒的創作論述; An Artist's Creation Elaboration by Yu-Shuan,Kuo
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台中市國民中學藝術與人文學習領域實施現況研究 = A Study on Current Implementing Situation of Arts and Humanity Learning Domain in Junior High School in Taichung City
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林雲生佛像雕塑創作論述 = Discussin about the Artistic Creation of Buddhist Sculptures from Yun-Sheng Lin
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心話.心畫 = My Words of the Heart and My Paintings-The Painting Works of Chen Jin-Chy : 陳矜琪繪畫創作論述
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神聖與救贖 = Scared and Redemption —The Work of OilPainting by Chen Yueh-Hua : 陳月華創作論述
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從場所精神探討地方視覺標識之造形意象 = A Study of Form Images of Local Visual Iconography in the Genius Loci
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生命意象 = The Image of Life-Chen Hsiao Chi's Creative Argument as Revealed in Her Own Painting : 陳曉琪繪畫創作論述
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拼湊精靈 = Patchwork Wizard-A Study on Lines and Collage Illustration Creation : 線條與拼貼的插畫創作研究
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桐意陶情 = Surrenduring Porcelain Homage to the Snow in May-Shieh Shu Hui’s thoughts on Ceramic Creation : 謝淑惠的陶藝創作論述
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彰化縣私人陶藝工坊經營策略之研究 = The Study on Management in the Pottery Workshop in Changhua Connty:A Case Study on the Tianzhong Kilnhome : 以「田中窯」為例
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存在映象 = Existence of Image:Slow Shutter Painterly─the Works of Zong-En Li : 慢快門下的繪畫性-李宗恩創作論述
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花魂.雲羅 = Flower Soul and Cloud Land An Essay on Analysing Ya Wen Li's Paintings : 李雅雯創作論述
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筆.木.姿.色 = Woods, Groves and Forests:An Essay on Analysing Lin, Ya-Chen's Paintings : 林雅珍繪畫創作論述
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雙凝.母女 = Dual Nature in Mother and Daughter─An Essay on Analysing Yuan-Ching Lee's Paintings : 李苑菁創作論述
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﹝y+y / 4+y / 400-y /100+(m+d)-1﹞/ 7=X = Description of Wei Yu Chun's Art Creation : 魏攸純創作論述
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放眼瑞士設計 = Eyeing design of Switzerland : 不斷進行的傳承與革新; the ongoing inheritance and innovation
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懷舊心感動 = Throb for Cherishing the Past-Record andDraw the Changhua City : 用畫筆紀錄彰化市
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倒影‧探索 = An Inverted Image‧Searching─The Creative Discourse from Hsu-chun Huang : 黃旭君創作論述
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布了情 = Endless Love of Patchwork The Discourse on Quilt Art Creations by Shu Yu Chen : 陳姝妤拼布創作論述
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近觀自得‧形彩幻化 = Taking Photos in Serenity,Close-up Shots Appear Varied in Forms and Colors-Photograph Creation Discussed by Liu Chun Chih : 劉俊志攝影創作論述
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核能的魔幻世界 = The Magic World of Nuclear Energy-Art Works by Chen, Shih-Min : 陳世民繪畫創作論述
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柳翊昀髮片服裝創作研究 = The Innovation and Study of Yu-yun Liu for the Hairpiece Application in the Dressing Adornment
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雨過天青 = Sky Clears after Rain—The Tests and Creations of Ju Ceramic Ware : 汝窯青瓷之燒製實驗與試作
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維生系統 = Life Support System-The Works of Colored Ink Painting by Shih Yu-Nan : 石有男彩墨創作論述
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表象與內觀 = Appearance and Reflection of Mental Imagery- Reflect on the Implication of Life From the Flowers : 以花卉觀照人生
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國小教師公共藝術美感教育認知與學生美感素養之研究 = The Study of Teachers’ Cognition on Aesthetic Education with School Public Arts, and Students Aesthetic Literacy in Elementary School
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指甲彩繪意象研究 = A Study of the Nail Painting Image-The example of the students of Beauty Treatment in the midst of Taiwan : 以中部美容科學生為例
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與自我意識的對話 = Communication with Self-ConsciousnessThe Creation Statement of Yi-Lin,Yang : 楊怡琳創作論述
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夢想流域 = To Discuss, Dream Ark -2014 Nantou International Sand-Sculpture Art Festival : 2014南投國際沙雕藝術節創作研究
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檀香鋪賣場現況空間分析與改善創作研究 = A Study of Sandalwood Shop Spatial Analysis and Creative Transformation – A Case Study of Innovative Design on Fragrant Shop : 以御香堂創作設計為例
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返璞歸真 = Back to the Innocenc-To Discussion Stone Carving Creative, Lin, Ming-Te’s : 林明德石雕創作論述
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LINE貼圖表達情緒認知之研究 = The Study of Expressing the Emotional Cognition with LINE Sticker
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無關大事 = Unrelated Events─The Art Works of Illustration by Lu Shyi-Yeh : 呂錫曄插畫創作論述
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以文藝復興繪畫為基礎之髮型創作 = A Creative Hair Design by Using the Base of Renaissance Painting
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