Finance - Mathematical models.
著作: | 80 作品に 48 出版物中に 48 言語 |
Credit models and the crisis :a journey into CDOs, Copulas, correlations and dynamic models /
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Building automated trading systems[electronic resource] :with an introduction to Visual C++.NET 2005 /
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An introduction to wavelets and other filtering methods in finance and economics[electronic resource] /
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Quality money management[electronic resource] :process engineering and best practices for systematic trading and investment /
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Pricing, risk, and performance measurement in practice[electronic resource] :the building block approach to modeling instruments and portfolios /
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Stochastic dominance and applications to finance, risk and economics[electronic resource] /
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Probability and statistical models[electronic resource] :foundations for problems in reliability and financial mathematics /
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Practical financial optimization[electronic resource] :a library of GAMS models /
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Financial econometrics modeling[electronic resource] :market microstructure, factor models and financial risk measures /
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Simulation in computational finance and economics[electronic resource] :tools and emerging applications /
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An introduction to wavelet theory in finance[electronic resource] :a wavelet multiscale approach /
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An introduction to the mathematics of finance[electronic resource] :a deterministic approach /
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Econophysics[electronic resource] :background and applications in economics, finance, and sociophysics /
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Developments in mean-variance efficient portfolio selection[electronic resource] /
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Modeling and pricing of swaps for financial and energy markets with stochastic volatilities[electronic resource] /
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Recent developments in computational finance[electronic resource] :foundations, algorithms and applications /
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Louis Bachelier's theory of speculation[electronic resource] :the origins of modern finance /
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Financial econometrics and empirical market microstructure[electronic resource] /
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Mathematical methods and models in economic planning, management and budgeting[electronic resource] /
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Generalized Hyperbolic Secant Distributions[electronic resource] :With Applications to Finance /
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Introduction to actuarial and financial mathematical methods[electronic resource] /
Bayesian risk management[electronic resource] :a guide to model risk and sequential learning in financial markets /
Corporate and project finance modeling[electronic resource] :theory and practice /
Counterparty credit risk, collateral and funding[electronic resource] :with pricing cases for all asset classes /
Handbook in Monte Carlo simulation[electronic resource] :applications in financial engineering, risk management, and economics /
Problems and solutions in mathematical finance.[electronic resource] /Volume 1,Stochastic calculus
The mathematics of financial models[electronic resource] :solving real-world problems with quantitative methods /
Dynamic modeling, empirical macroeconomics, and finance[electronic resource] :essays in honor of Willi Semmler /
R programming and its applications in financial mathematics[electronic resource] /
Fractal approaches for modeling financial assets and predicting crises[electronic resource] /
Principles of financial modelling[electronic resource] :model design and best practices using Excel and VBA /
GARCH models[electronic resource] :structure, statistical inference and financial applications /